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Share your quitting journey

Super Bowl

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As I'm sure most of you have guessed or know, I simply didn't commit to my quit. Yesterday I finally got to the doctor since I got sick last week.  He was so angry with me, understood.  I made sure my husband went, it's only fair to him to have his say as he watches me kill myself. Came home by 9:00 and my husband and I threw out the cigarettes, except for one thing, the doctor forgot to give me antibiotics.  I'm so damn sick.... A non smoker would have probably been well over this by now....

Back to super bowl, we were supposed to go to my best friend's house who is a smoker.  I just called her and told her why I just can't do it, that I would probably cave and ask and she told me straight out she would have given me one which would only lead to more and more, so that's that. Although I'm not feeling well, we're going to friends who don't smoke.  I blog this while my son is in the garage smoking with my husband who is smoking a cigar, yet watching me like I'm doing something wrong.

Okay, I'm done throwing up verbally.  In the end, the choice is always ours...



This is your journey and you have to take it a day at a time.  I am glad you are not going to a smoker's house but I wonder if you shouldn't just get a cool mist vaporizer and set yourself up with a stack of pillows and lots of liquids to drink and not go anywhere, it sounds like you need to rest.

Your family is worried about would be nice if they could quit as a "show of support" and then you could all be together in this, might not be a very friendly place for a while.

I love you, I want you to get stronger and to believe me that it DOES get easier.


This quit is YOURS and yours alone.  Don't worry about anyone else's.

You made a wise choice to watch the game at a non-smoker's house.  Good for you!

Feel better!



Great choice!! Keep on keeping on!


I agree Witt you dear Ellen, however being here with a bunch of 20 year olds being loud and smoking doesn't sound very healing either, so I'll go out for a bit.

Thank you as always Miss Nancy

Love ya Ellen 


Keep hanging in there hun!!


Yeah! You made a choice for YOU today. Be proud.  Not to worry once you have your quit down you can start giving hubby a hard time about the cigars. Something to look forward to!


Hope you will be feeling better!


Focus 100% on yourself! You really need to take care of yourself, Fannie! That's the only way you'll feel better and have a chance of living quality Life!


I know you need to take care of you and the choice is always yours. Wise decision not to go where there is smoking, why tempt yourself. That will change further into your quit.

I'm proud of you.


Wise choice.  Keep making them, Fannie.  Have courage Courage!


(((((Huge cyber Hug, feel better soon♡)))))


Great choice courage! Enjoy the game and feel better!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!

Don't give in and don't give up...take care of yourself and I hope you're feeling better soon! N.O.P.E.

Wise advice above. I am always really extra impressed with those who quit smoking even when their spouse or others in their house will not. Do whatever you have to do to protect your quit. Be strong. Hang in there. You are doing a great thing.

Hope your feeling better soon!

A red flag I see for you to overcome for sure: 

"I blog this while my son is in the garage smoking with my husband who is smoking a cigar, yet watching me like I'm doing something wrong."

In other words it tells me you are thinking/feeling, "Why do they GET to smoke & I don't?  It's just not fair!"

This thinking couldn't be farther from the truth but most of us surely DID feel that same way at one time until we really educated ourselves about nicotine addiction, understood it, and changed our perceptions on smoking.  I encourage you to spend some time reading at, etc. to help change your mindset to one of FREE CHOICE. 

You CAN do it and for all the right reasons too.  I'm cheering you on!  Patty 

About the Author
Gone but Not Forgotten. RIP - they leave a legacy of their quit journeys behind as road maps for future members, to prevent the pitfalls, provide the tools and show the hope and possibilities for success at overcoming this addiction at any age at any stage. Quit March 16th. 52 years old, smoked 2 packs a day for 40 years, enough said. Day 124, July 18 I smoked a cigarette and continued to smoke (because there is no such thing as just one) until Sunday, November 2, 2014. April 24, 2015 I'm editing the above. Certainly did not quit back in November and I'm 53 now. Boy, time sure flies... There's nothing worse than being a smoker who wants nothing more than to quit. Okay, so now it's over a year, but I will do this starting today, August 17, 2015. Out of the darkness and into the light.... Needed to update this, quit as of September 14, 2015. Anyone contemplating losing their quit, just follow this time line, it's taken me over a year to take back my freedom when I thought it was going to be so easy to take it back before. Don't make that mistake. Wish I had a counter, but as I write this it is September 24, 2015, I'm in the baby stages of my quit. Day one again, September 28, 2015