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Success comes from being 100 % willing, determined and totally committed to succeed and then we can and will be successful!

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I didn't have to get Mason off to school this morning because my daughter didn't work last night so I slept in until 7 but I slept like crap because I couldn't shut my mind off. My 12 yrold grandson Adam is with his mother and step father, my son and her split when Adam was 2 yrs old, he's been having a hard time in school and he biked here after school yesterday vibrating and very upset, he didn't want to talk about it which was ok. I told him I had to call his mom so of course she came and was upset, yelling at him and so on. I guess he's expelled for the rest of the week, I hope that she will let me know what's going on this afternoon, life happens whether we smoke or not and yesterday afternoon was really hard because my heart went out to Adam but I couldn't help him and his mother said he threatened suicide. I told her to take him serious so he isn't another statistic, all of that was going through my head trying to go to sleep and the only thought about smoking was and is how thankful I am that I finally wised up and quit smoking because it wouldn't of helped one bit but most likely would've made things worse, I need to keep my quit and be here for Adam in case he needs me and not be outside sucking on a stupid cigarette but thankfully I don't have to worry about anymore and thank God for that . We all have our stressers and problems but you can get through them so much better without the crutch and once you realize that I can tell you from experience how the weight comes off your shoulders because you know that you can and are dealing with life on lifes terms and it's a great feeling so keep moving forward in your quit and if you aren't yet then you should be soon  reaping the benefits of an Ex smoker! 

Marilyn 806 DOF 


"Dealing with life on life's terms" isn't easy Marilyn. Most of us know how tough it can be. I know how concerned you must be for Adam. But you also know and I am learning, that smoking adds NOTHING to help in these situations. We can be wholly present to our loved ones or friends who need us without worrying when and how we will get our next fix of nicotine! Thank you for this wise post and I will be praying for Adam.


Marilyn, Bless you for all your attention and love for others. I have been a recepient of your caring and I appreciate it. I too hope Adam's threat will be taken seriously. Life is sometimes very tough and you are so right that smokng does nothing to make anything better. Hang, linda

So sorry to hear about Adam! You have helped him, my friend, just by being there. After all, he came to you! As for his mental health issues, I hope your daughter got him help last night. You are all in my prayers, of course, and in my thoughts as well. Smoking? Just a passing thought, I'm sure. We don't do that any more. Hugs, Marilyn!!

Sorry that your grandson is having problems.  I know it tears your heart.  You are still counting it all joy that you are smoke free.  That is a blessing. You and your family will be in my prayers.  Have a good day and try to ge some sleep.  Protect your quit. 


I'm feeling the disturbance. It's tough when we don't know how to help.

As for committment, they've been trying to committ me for years.  🙂


Good Morning, Marilyn! Adam knew who to come to. You are a wonderful Grandma! I hope your daughter takes this very seriously and gets him to a professional that he can talk to. And it's good that he has a fresh smelling Grandma that doesn't need to take smoke breaks to talk to. Maybe you can catch a nap today! Hugs!


Hi Marilyn, 

I am sorry Adam is going through hard times with his "other" family.  Every kid is a good kid given the right amount of love and guidance.  If he came to you that means he knew he was going to find it in your home.  Hopefully his mom will also understand that and get you up to speed with what has happened in school, so you can get involved and help.  I wish you a better day, hoping his mom will rally all the positive influences in Adam's life in order to help him at a difficult moment in his life!


I am so glad that Adam has you in his life, it says a lot that he biked to your house and not to his mother's when he was in trouble.  I do so hope that you find out what happened and that you can help him because I am not sure his mother is capable of that.  My heart goes out to him and to you...and to his mother too, I am sure she is feeling like a failure right now, whatever happened.

Please know that we are all here for you and we love you and respect you and we are SO grateful to have you in our lives!




Oh my, I will pray that your daughter gets help for your grandson.  I can understand why you are so worried.  It's good that he came to you first, what a wonderful grandma you are.  Even through all this you remain strong and determined.

I will pray for Adam, that he gets some good councelling and help through this difficult time.

((((Marilyn))))  You inspire me to do better with handling my life and stresses that we are going through, you're so right smoking would not help your grandson!



So sorry Marilyn to hear about Adam having problems and my heart goes out to both of you.  Speaks volumes that Adam was comfortable to bike to grandma's house so he knows you are there for him. Thank you for this blog as it helps people more than you can know.  I am still learning how to deal with life on its terms and hearing your struggles helps me know it is doable to handle without a cigarette in hand.  He definitely needs all of your attention and thankfully you can give it without havig to go for a fix.  Big hugs to you and hope and pray it all works out.


Adam is reaching the difficult teen years and even at that age  divorce is hard on children even though it was when he was just 2 years old .  I am glad he has a nice Gramma like you Marilyn ! My grown children still have a hard time after so many years because they do not like or get along with there step Mother . My daughter has not heard from her Dad in over 5 years now it is so sad . He has had nothing to do with his grandchildren or great grandchildren. I never thought he would be like this even though We did not get along and were divorced after just 7 years .  He has changed and both he and his wife drink daily so that explains a lot !

Hope Adam is ok and maybe opens up to you talking helps even if you can not so;ve all of his problems are right to take his threats seriously .


Oh Marilyn - I am so sorry about Adam - I hope things improve very soon! 

Please take care and get some rest! Get some rest- that's an order! 


Oh my gosh I hope he will be ok. I hope you can get some rest tonight. I'ts always something going on to make us stressed out. Giving you a hug.

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....