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Quit date debate

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There is a debate going on in my head about my quit date.  I started Chantix on February 8th.  I smoked my normal amount of cigs the first week (logging a day for analysis) as the drug says to do.  On Feb 15th I "quit" smoking, but allowed myself 1-2 cigs a day as the drug says I could do. (I was smoking about 30 a day.)  I completely went off all cigs on Feb 22 and just use my vape pen occasionally now . So I haven't smoked a cig since the 22nd.

Debate: Is my quit date Feb 15th or 22nd? I feel like it should be the 15th. What do you think?  I want to be legit.

Question: How do you put your quit date by your user name? I looked at the edit page, but couldn't get to the user name. I see a lot of people have this and I like it.

Day 21 smoke free.



Hi, I noticed you are one, maybe only one,of the people in this program who is in the first stages of quitting. I'm still unclear as to how to communicate with this group. I really want to talk to you. Please let me know if you get my message.  I gave my user name as Prague when I registered if this helps.


My opinion your quit day is the first day with zero cigs. You are doing great. To change your profile go to my quit plan and change it there. Best wishes to you.


The first day of NO cigarettes is your quit dayl I would also say vaping counts so NO vaping or cigarettes should be your quit day. YOU wanted opinions; hard but true in my mind. Please write me anytime on my message board or privately in Send Message.

Keep stackin' those days!!. If you ever need a cheerleading team, we're here for YOU!!


I agree with Candylance but at the same time always do what encourages you to move forward. 

You are doing very good. Keep it going. Good Job.


I too used Chantix, and I was one it for one week and still smoked (as prescribed) then after that NO smoking (also as prescribed). Not sure why yours is different...are you sure you read that right?


Anyway, I also agree with Candy. You really haven't quit if you're still using nicotine, so your quit day should be the first day you're nicotine free 🙂

Best wishes!


my quit date was the last time i put something with nicotine to my lips and inhaled it.

In my opinion, smoking is much more than using a cigarette to get nicotine. smoking is putting something to your mouth and inhaling. By doing that, you are simply imitating the ritual you need to unlearn and stop doing so you can eventually disconnect your new life as a non smoker from the ritual of smoking.

You are still reaching for it for the same reasons. Still counting on it in the same ways.


You may be sorry you asked for opinion....

If you notice the people with some time and experience under their belt is pretty much on the same page.....

Your quit date is the day that you have no nicotine taken in to your system.    It doesn't mean the day you quit smoking regularly but have just a couple.....nor does it mean the day you stopped cigarettes but continue to vape.

You will feel so much better about yourself and your quit if you can be proud of a "clean" quit.

Come here and get the education, help and encouragement you need.

Sharon 581 DOF


I am sorry I asked.


These are just opinions Lisa don't be sorry you asked ! I disagree with some of these opinions . I, like you, quit gradually not with Chantix but with the patch I began the patch and first had a quit date of jan 18th I gradually cut down smoking 2-4 cigarettes a day for the first few weeks , then to 2 cig a day then to 1/2 cig 2x a day then 1/2 cig 1x a day in the morning which brought me to Feb 8th I changed my quit day to that date more tobacco cigarettes or products . I am still on nicotine with step 2 of the patch 1 lozenge a day and occasional vaping a disposible cigarette . I do not consider that smoking the same as tobacco by any means ! I intend to get off all nicotine products asap but after being nicotine dependent for 50 years it takes time and patience , it is a different process for everyone and we learn from each other . Your quit and how you do it belongs to you and is your responsibility to yourself . I cheer you on this wonderful journey to freedom from addiction and better health ! Do not be disappointed with yourself or this wonderful group of people who are helping me so much as they say in AA  "Take what you need and leave the rest "


IMO your quit date is the 1st day you stop inhaling nicotine.

The journey continues


Hello---I've read both of your blogs now and have to say----why would you ever be sorry you asked for opinions? That's what you got---our opinions. You shared feel the 15th should be your quit date.

Bottom line----you'll go with what you feel. However, if you are smoking a haven't really quit smoking have you? That's my opinion. Aslong as you are not have quit smoking. Pretty basic.

Stay Strong and EXpect opinions on EX---------we are an interactive group.