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Share your quitting journey

One moment at a time

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Hello everyone, I joined last week.  Took the plunge on Dec. 22, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. and had my last cigarette.  I had on standby the patch, lozenge, gum and my pacifer fake plastic cigarette to place in my mouth.  I  was trying to do it cold turkey.  Christmas evening at my sister's get together.....smokers were smoking in the house.  I did not cave in...I said to everyone literally the hours, not days that I had not lit up.  It was hard.  I did my work before hand.  This was the second try to work I had just said to heck with it and slipped.  So, it was a victory to  have a long holiday weekend.  IT IS HARD at times.  Thanks to this site and reading the blogs, I have learned a lot.  I discovered that I wasn't going to get the family support but that's okay.  I am doing this for me. Especially if I want to stay alive.  The one thing I did notice that on the third day of going cold turkey at night  I was literally coughing and coughing and coughing.  That made a sobering impression on me!  I thought I could continue without a stop smoking aid and yes, I was scared, trading cigarette nicotine for another, you know what I am trying to say. Today, at l:45 p.m. I placed a 2mg cherry lozenge in my mouth.  Right now, I am doing one moment at a time.  Tomorrow I will take the lozenge with me to work. I had to change my routine and psyche myself up.  The cravings come and go and I have  to do a lot of self talk but am determined.  One moment at a time, especially handling the triggers.  Thanks for listening.  Any encouragemet appreciated.


Keep up the hard work, and if you ever feel like you're about to cave in please come on here to talk it out with us. I'm on my second day and it's all about trying to accept that I'm going to hurt but not fight the withdrawals. Good Luck!


Thanks for the kind words.


nice job Lysele... the lozenges worked for me in the beginning and now I'm off them.... but better a lozenge to ride out a crave than a smoke... you can deal with getting off the lozenge when the time feels right for you.


Wow, going as long as you have without family've done the hard part, so keep at it!