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Share your quitting journey

On my way to quitting for good!

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I know I've said it time and time again, but I'm really serious this time around. Earlier this year I went up to a pack/day, stayed at that amount for months and for the past few weeks, I've managed to get back down to 5 or less. I moved in with my dad at the end of June of this year and found out a lot of things recently. He had cancer 6 5 or 6 years ago due to smoking for 10+ years but now it's benign (thankfully!) and ever since he found out, he's never picked up a cigarette again. I will do my best to keep that in mind to help myself. I really don't want my cigarette addiction to worsen to the point of getting sick. And seeing that he has the will power to save himself from the addiction gave me some hope. I can't let myself give up like I did many times before. I know I need to do this for myself and for the ones that care about me.
I haven't forgotten my motto: Stay strong and keep going!

Thank you for hearing me out. I hope you're all doing well on your own journey. I'm here if anyone needs support or a friend (I do as well), just leave me a message anytime 🙂

Have a lovely daaay.

Welcome back to the site! Congrats on deciding to quit! Doing this now as a young person is the way to go - and so very smart! Your father will be so proud - and even more importantly - you will feel so proud of yourself.
I'm not sure if you did the reading before, but I highly recommend that you do that - or refresh if you already did it. Read the free course at: and Allen Carr's book - "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" - free download -
Stay close - you can do this!

Congratulations on your decision!! Keep coming here for encouragement and insight, we all know what you're going through.


Congratulations and welcome to the EX site. So you're going to "DO IT" this time, eh? I like your conviction. YOU CAN DO THIS!  The best thing you can do to help yourself right now is READ THE BLOGS. There is soooooo much to learn there. Also, read Alan Carrs book, quit smoking the easy way and... go to why There's a wealth of information out there  and its ALL BENEFICIAL.  Were all here to help you and to support  your decision. We have all gone through this. Stay close... Were here to help ya "DO IT."

Im a quitter not a loser~



There is a group here called relapse traps, I would suggest looking into that also...the more information you have the better. don't over think or dramatize this, it can be difficult but once you have the ammunition (education) you will remain smoke free.  Decide not to smoke today and honor that decision every single day!


Hi There Jeni! So good to see you again! Congrats on coming back.

In addition to this site and those suggested by Strudel, here are a few other things for you to spend time with!

You may want to start with the last one first! I'm wishing you all the best! DOn't forget about drinking the water and juice and putting a quit kit together! I'm here for you - as we all are!


Thank you all for the continued support! Unfortunately I don't have internet access at home, so it's difficult to come on this website consistently. I will do my best to keep on coming though!