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OMG Yipppeee One Year

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My Beautiful Wonderful Exville Peeps,

Happy New Year, Merry Christmas - I miss you all.

I have been involved in a personal medical nightmare with both my parents since 12/23/13.  I witnessed my mom having a seizure which I thought was a stroke and I also thought she stopped breathing.  I called 911 and she was taken to the ER.  My mom has COPD and emphazyma (sorry for the spelling).  She is in a nursing home right now.  She never told any of us kids that my dad had serious demential.  We should have saw the signs.  I have been taking care of my dad since she went in and he went for surgery on 1/9/14 to have a portion of his colon removed.  He is now at the nursing home.

I didn't smoke!  Seeing my mom has scared me to death about the smoking thing.  She has oxygen in all the time and a big green bottle.  I couldn't even transport her from the hospital to the aftercare facility due to the oxygen issue.  It is horrible and I do not think her condition will get better.  She is turning 80 today in a nursing home rooming with my dad who has dementia and has not been diagnosed.  This whole thing is a NIGHTMARE!  I am going to see my mom and bring her what she wishes - her corn puffs, potatoe chips, and duncan donuts coffee.  All my dad wants is his letter from the secretary of state so he can drive again.  He has been after me every day for the past 50 days to take him for his driving test.

Previous to all these medical issues I had helped them during December both learn about their supplemental medicare plans and thank God I did because God knew I would be helping them with their health care matters.

I am fearful that the nursing home is going to kick my dad out as he is stubborn and doesn't think he needs to be in the aftercare facility.  He keeps telling my mom to pay the bill and drive him home.  He doesn't get that she is fragile and needs breathing treatments and on top of all that she fractured her foot and is in a walking boot.

I have gone through a range of emotions on a daily basis.  I am sad, depressed, angry, tired, stressed, crying, laughing, feeling abandoned and everything in between those mentioned.  My girls were scared to leave me alone last weekend.  I was ok.  In all this craziness I managed to take care of our house in Chicago during the snowstorm and 50 below day where my pipes froze (I got them unthawed) my dad was going to go outside and fix my mom's car.  He insisted on getting the paper and mail outside, fell and totally drove my sister crazy until she drove him to get his lottery tickets at Butera.  Between my angel sister and me we managed to get my dad in one piece to his surgery and thought we could catch a break when he went into the hospital.  The hospital called me as he was agitated and trying to pull his iv and drainage tube out and had to restrain him.  All this happened while my husband was in Florida helping a friend move.

During all this hoopla I still have to work and take care of daily things but just wanted to come on and tell you guys THANK YOU for a year's worth of support so I don't end up in a nursing home with tubes in my nose and a large green oxygen bottle that will be with me while I'm sitting in a wheel chair stubborn, crabby and bossy.

I love my parents but I will be in a mental ward soon if I do not detach for a bit.  By the way all the coping skills that we learn in the beginning to not smoke have worked for me during all this insanity.

I love you all and just know I've wanted to come on but too many things have been in the way.

Just remember N.O..P. E. I will never ever think about putting a cancer stick in my mouth again after what I have seen and witnessed.  It is not worth it people.

All my Love and best wishes for a good 2014.  I figure all this crap that's hit the fan and tried to kick me out of the game is not going to happen.  What goes down must come up and I'm looking forward to the mountain.  Thank God I got both knees fixed so I can run after these two.

Hugs and Kisses



Thats wonderful to hear.. congrats!  Even through all that you stay quit.. you are a role model for everyone who is quitting right now!

Thank you for your story

Scott d45


I'm sorry you have all this frustration surrounding you but happy your coping tools have kept you sane




We love you too, Judy!  Congratulations and big hugs on making it to a year's worth of freedom.  Sounds like you and sister could use some support as family caregivers.  Does the nursing home have a support group for family members, or is there an Alzheimer's support group for family members in your area?  I relate to the stress.  Please continue to be good to yourself by keeping up your quit and taking some time for yourself as well.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.


Congrats on one year!  Hurrah for you   Sorry about your mom and dad.  Hope things get better for them.  I took care of my invalid dad some years ago, so I feel your frustration.  They can act like little children

Best to you and congratulations!


Dearest Judy oh my goodness my heart goes out to you! It is challenging and so sad...

Just for today please revel in the beauty of your one year celebration!



God Bless You.  Take time for you even at the most insane times.  Congrats on your one year.  Hang in there!


Wow.  What else can I say?????  Well, maybe this:

This blog should be required reading for anyone who is tempted to relapse because of stress.

Way to go!!!

Congrats on 1 year and dealing with all you are smoke free. You rock. Hope you get some much needed you time soon

Wow! I'm sure your have heard this before but make sure you are taking of yourself too, Its easy for the caregiver to get run down. Aging parents are challenging and very stressful. Great job on your 1 year quit.

You are doing amazingly well! 


This is great news Jooch! Congratulations on completing your first year of smoke free living!

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Your family is in my prayers!   Please take care of YOUrself!  You are amazing!!



Oh Judy - my heart goes out to you and I TRULY understand what you are going through.  You have done wonderfully and have been a true inspiration!!!  

You are seeing first hand how smoking helps absolutely NOTHING and if only one newbie sees this and takes that lesson from it - it will make the bad stuff a little less horrible.

Good Job!!!

P.S. I'm right on your tail <wink>


I bet you could surf on a tsunami after this! Way to go to keep your freedom from smoking after all this. I am so sorry that you and your angel sister (I think you are an angel too) are being tried like this, but I will be praying for you all. Thanks for the uplifting post for the rest of us trying to make the 6% club. God bless you!



Congtatulations on 1 year!!!

Good job on keeping your quit during all you and  your sisters taking care of your Mom & Dad and getting them settled!! Plus doing your own stuff while your husband is gone. Prayers coming your way for your parents and you and your sister for some time to take care of yourself!!! Like you said at least you got your knees done!!!




I am so sorry you have been through SO much.  As I mentioned in my message to you, I am keeping you and your family in my prayers of course.

I am SO proud of you for keeping NOPE despite all of the hard times.  You are a wonderful EXample - thank you for leading the way for us!














Judy.....first, so proud of you on reaching 1 year.     Hearing when one of our EX family makes it to the 6% is so inspiring for those of us following.       Also inspiring is your blog...I'm so sorry that all that is going on is going on for you and family now.    Prayers up for all right now.      But you didn't smoke!!!!     HURRAH!     Please take care of yourself and keep us posted as you can.



Well done Judy. Your quit has been put to the test through unfortunate circumstances and you have stayed strong. 



Best wshes with your parents What a huge challenge! I hope you at least indulged in putting you first today! You're AWESOME!


Huge congrats! XOXO We got it done girlfriend, one year down.



thanks for this blog, if you can get thru this and feel anger so CAN I. my prayers are with you and sister.


congrats on 1 year proud of you girl.


Judy----I am so sorry. These are difficult times to go through and there is no way around. I will keep all of you in my prayers. Be proud of yourself for keeping your quit through all of this and making one year. You are a strong lady.


Oh my gosh Judy - too, too, much! I have dealt with my parents for the past several years.....but not all of that at the same time! (My mom passed away in 2010 and Dad is now in a nursing home.)  I am so sorry. But, I am so happy that you have continued to protect your beautiful quit! Congratulations on one year Judy! 

I am sending prayers.....please take care of you! 


CONGRATULATIONS !! One entire Year !!


Congratulations Judy on 1 year!!!!


Wow look a you Judy....way to stay strong under trying times. You my friend are a real EX'er, congrats on your one year milestone.....that's a big one stay proud of your quit.


What an INSPIRING blog, Judy!!  You showed your true colors during all of this chaos and stress, and showed everyone on this site that 'NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS YOU JUST DON'T SMOKE!"  I am so sorry for what you, your sister, and what your parents are going through.  I can totally relate because I had my 87 year old father move in with me so I could care for him in his final years.  He had dementia also and even worse, he was drinking excessively and he was still driving!  He would get lost going to the liquor store and they would call me and I would have to go pick him up.  He always had alot of guns, and in the middle of the night he would wake up for a drink.  He would open his bedroom door just a tiny bit and peek out at my husband who was still watching TV.  We then made sure all of his guns were unloaded and we took away all of the bullets.  You are right - they do become like children.  I lost a little piece of my dad week by week as his mental condition deteriorated.  But BLESS YOU!!  Our parents cared for us, and now the roles become reversed and we have to care for them in their elderly years.

HUGE CONGRATS TO YOU!!   Not only on your ONE YEAR CELEBRATION, but for being who you are and showing your strength to overcome all!!


I just now saw your blog. Oh my!! Im so sorry for all youve been going through. I know dealing with parents is quite a challenge, having been through it myself. You are handling it beautifully. Make sure you take some time to take care of yourself. You cant take care of others if you dont take care of yourself first. Congrats on 1 year!! WE MADE IT!!! You are in my prayers...always a friend....Mary