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Nostalgia and Anticipation

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It is one of life’s laws that as soon as one door closes another opens. But

 the tragedy is we look at the closed door and disregard the open one.

-Andre  Gide


When I first found out that I had Emphysema, it was very hard to imagine a door opening in front of me! My eyes were focused on the door that was being slammed behind me - smoking!

The minute I heard the word Emphysema I knew my smoking days were going to have to come to a complete and abrupt halt!

In the following days I had my share of fantasies about how wonderful a cigarette would taste, smell, feel - how all my stress would go away - how everything would be alright again if I could just have my fix, -er, friend back!

Even knowing that all the above was a lie didn't take away my intense longing for the imaginary past I played with in my mind! I wasn't looking forward to giving up my constant companion! 

Fortunately, I came on this site and began to read not just here but also at and because I knew that the initial quitting is not my issue - I've done that many times before! But (see how devious the addictive mind works) only for awhile till my cough got a bit better and "my lungs cleared out!"

Little did I know that the cough was Chronic Bronchitis and I was well on my way to COPD!!!

My real issue even to this day is how not to be lured back into the addiction through Nostalgia! And one guy impressed me more than anybody else! His moniker is The Happy Quitter and his name is James! He doesn't write so often anymore so keep an eye out for him and you'll meet a true EXample! Happy Quitter!

You gotta be pulling my leg! We quit because we're more scared to smoke than we are to quit which is scared crazy, right???? James made a breakthrough in my junkie mind and then, not really believing, but as AA says Fake it till you Make it - I filled my mind not with nostalgia but with anticipation! 

Now what on this amazing Planet is there to look forward to when you quit smoking (besides not dying quite so fast, of course!) ???

Well, I kept looking around at other quitters on this site and some did talk about being tough, fighting the good fight, struggling through another day - just what I expected!

But A LOT of EXers spoke of FREEDOM and excitement, of amazing changes that were happening to them!

Guess who had been here the longest? The folks who weren't talking the fight language but were talking the FREEDOM language - They gave me something to Anticipate! The quit was no longer couched in words of FEAR but of Liberation from Addiction! Abundant Living! Clean, Pure, Fresh, NEW! the NEW ME! Or as my Friend Rose puts it - Metamorphosis! 


When I stopped looking at that door behind me with Nostalgia and began looking at the Open Door in front of me with Anticipation then my whole outlook changed! I got it! I got excited about my quit! This was the first of many times that I could look at my Quit with PRIDE and a True sense of Accomplishment!

Emphysema closed one door and opened another and the Exers told me to KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE!


It is true-it's hard to focus on the new door that is opening  instead of the one that closed but so rewarding .


Great blog.  Thanks for sharing.


All of you who are newly quit take notice.  This is TRUTH!

There is some effort involved, and you need to prepare, plan and commit, but it is SO worth the effort.  The freedom is wonderful!




thomas thhis is so wasnt until i no longer fought the good fight but instead embrace my new life that i was able to truly quit...

Yes! Learning not to fight with myself. The war is already over if I let it be. Thank you Thomas. Another fantastic teaching blog!

Great blog! It is all in our perspective and frame of mind. We can find the joy in this when we choose to!!!    Thanks Thomas. You always explain the most important stuff so well.


Hi Thomas


I have been on vacation for a month. and before that I was studying on the computer.

Yes alot of doors have opend for me, I have been enjoying crocheting, cooking and breathing for sure. My husband asked me how long it had been and its been about 5 and a half years since I quit. I told him the turth, that the first year is hard . I was motivated by not making my son cry over a smoking related illness.

My doctor asks me about my lungs to this day. its a deadly addiction that we have over come. but must be vigilant my husband still smokes and sometime I worry.


my friend just tol dme she had a friend who was just diagnosed with lung cancer and has 4 months to live. wow. that could have been me or you. I am glad you stopped thomas,


YOu are a great person on this site. I am so glad to see you.

Thank you for your post.

To many many more healthy years.

love & light



Thanks, Thomas!  Have a great day!


Thanks for another wonderful blog, I continue looking forward never backwards. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter every day , life is good and I get to live a little longer by quitting smoking. 91 days of freedom. 

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1