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Just getting acquainted to this site, can be a bit confusing, but like the track you daily cig calendar, taking advantage of it starting tomorrow.  Just the fact I have been "cutting" down, find myself eating more in place, so have to be careful as you all know.  Any suggestions would be helpful, but bottom line, I know it's an inside job between my desire and fighting off the urges.


Cathy C from NJ


Hi! Welcome! The advice I have for you is to come here as much as you can. It really helps. There are a lot of people here that will be able to help you alopng the way. If  you haven't yet set a quit date you should do that. while you are preparing to quit you'll have a date that you are striving for.


congratulations on your decision to quit it will be one of the best ones you ever make.  My best suggestion is to read up on all the information you can so that you will know what to expect and how to handle the cravings and most of all when a craving hits before you give in come here and blog about it, give it a few minutes and help will be on the way.  

This site is one of the best tools you can use.

Again congrats on quitting and remember you can do this.  


Thank you Jack and Tammyd88, strength in unity and will take your advice...


Hi there.

Cut a plastic drinking straw iinto thirds an keep orally busy with that.

Your blood sugar drops when you quit. Eat 5 0r 6 three bite meals a day to get metabolism into fat burning mode and keep it there. 2 bites chicken and 1./2 orange is good,

or 1 oz cheese and 1/2 an apple.

the fruit lifts your blood sugar and the protein hold it up longer


this explains why when I put the cig down for a considerable amt of time i crave sugar!!!

thx Dale and very good music, admire you and your strength.


Hi Cathy and welcome to Ex! 

The most important thing you can do for your quit now is to educate yourself about the addiction and the mind games it plays on us....READ,READ,READ fo a successful quit...the more you read, the easier it is...


CHOOSE to quit smoking, not try. Educate yourself by reading these links to the materials that most of us have used to help us quit and STAY quit! This is about making a DECISION to never put another cigarette in your mouth, mean it, and be committed to follow through on that decision. Also allow NO excuses AND hang in there for as long as it takes, no matter how uncomfortable you become.... This is about re-learning your life WITHOUT cigarettes....start changing your "normal" routine....because a smoker's routine revolves around cigarettes. You will be a nonsmoker so change how you start your morning so it doesn't revolve around cigarette breaks, etc. You CAN do this! ....


Hi Cathy and Welcome to the site! I gained 22lbs. when I first quit. I was ok with that as long as my quit was in tact. Needless to say, my doctor wasn't too happy that I gained. I have since lost the 22 lbs. by going to the gym and eating healthier. The gym is also a great motivator for staying healthy.


Hey Cathy C---where in NJ are you from? I used to live in Florham Park.....

Try HALLS mentholyptus cough drops...they provide "taste", something for your mouth and they are very few calories. There are even sugar free ones. The cough drop part of it kind of serves as a mouth anesthetic (MILD!!) and cuts the did for me.

Try taking a short walk and breathing deeply. Sometimes, by the time you get back, the food thing is gone (for awhile!!)

you may gain weight but no problem...easier to take off 10 pounds than to live with smoking related diseases!

Welcome to EX!