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Need support in quitting smoking.

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Hi my name is Brenda and I have smoked for 35 years and have been diagnosed with copd.  This is scaring me to death because I just buried 3 uncles in the past year from lung cancer. I also lost my grandmother 15 years ago to lung cancer. I need all the support I can get.  I have tried the chantex and it made me vomit so bad that I had to quit because i have always been small but i am down to 86 pounds. I am 44 years old.  I stay so upset I can't even eat. The gum just makes me want a cigarette worse. So please add me as a friend as I am new to this. My quit date is january 30th. I normally smoke a pack a day.  I have got down to a half a pack. Any help or advice would be appreciated.


Welcome Brenda, I'm new also. I Have a quit date of Feb. 6th. We can do this. This is the best place to start. Many will be along to help you through the sight. I'm not real good yet, or I would help more. I will help you any way I can though  Debbi


Hey, I've been quit for 33 days, you can get there too. Just do all the exercises and read constantly! There is a lit if very good information on this site, and there is always someone ready to help, just stay close!


Welcome Brenda,

Congratulations on your deision to quit. Sounds like you are ready to break this addiction once and for all. Learning about the addiction is the key to success. Stay close to this site and check in everyday. I could have not done it without my friends on this site. Please do the reading below


Hi Brenda, I have smoked for as long as you have, I now have 24 days of being smoke free. I don't think I could have been as successful as I have if it wasn't for a lot of preparation and anticipation for what I will experience. At 52 , and with serveral past failed attempts, I think I approached this recent attempt fully armed. For the first week I did used patches for 24 hours, and during rough times would take a few chews of a NEW NRT gum call Zonnic( it doesn't tastes as bad). The second week I took patches off at night and rarely needed the gum. In addition I read everything I could on the effects of smoking ( there are a few scary you tubes out there that helped remind me why I want to quit).  Every week I buy myself something wtih the money I saved.  Now at 24 days, I still miss them, but I don't have anxiety of not having one, my husband still smokes, but I like how I am breathing better and it helps that he smokes out side.  It can be done, the first 10 days is hell, but after that there is a sense of accomplishment that helps the motivation to keep going.

Good Luck



Hi Brenda!  You can do this too!  I considered myself a "professional quitter."  Tried Wellbutrin back when that was the recommended med, tried gum, tried patches. This time I did patches because I knew I would need to break the oral habit pretty quickly.  

Are you more motivated by focusing on the negatives of continuing to smoke or the positives of quitting?  For about the first 20 days, I made sure to post here to remind myself of the benefits of not smoking.

Keep us posted...welcome to the site and to your new life.


Welcome Brenda. I'm  in my quit 40+ days and I feel that everybody is different. But this site has really helped me to get to where I am now. I  tried to quit so many times in the past,I did every medication there was,e-cigs,hipnosis,etc.etc. This time around I read up and joined this site. I have learned so much about this addiction that I have replaced all the good thoughts about smoking with the whole truth!!! Nicotine is a drug,very addicting and a control freak!!! I choose to be free instead of controlled any longer. You have made the move to go forward,This is for you. I too reward myself,as much as I can. You can and will do this. Ask questions.don't ever feel stupid or afraid to write your thought's suggestions. we all need to continue to learn. These blog's and responses keep me going strong. You can do this.:)


Welcome Brenda!!  I smoked a pack a day for 34 years.  Tried several times with various methods, but the quit never lasted long at all - until I joined here.  I am now on day 71 of not smoking and feel great!!

Read all that you can, especially Allen Carr's book.  Stay close to the blogs here, and take it a day at a time.  You can do this!


Welcome Brenda! Be sure to do the reading - the free course at and Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -

Plus stick around here! You can do this! I smoked for 40 years - I got the support here and I did the reading - and I quit! 


Hello Brenda-----this is one of the best decisions you have ever made.....don't FEAR it! Quitting can be difficult at times......but it is doable. It is not the impossible task that everyone seems to think it is. LOOK at all of us who have quit.....and we are NO DIFFERENT from you.

Welcome to EX-------we are all here for each other.


thanks so much everyone.  I do love this site.  I only smoked 13 yesterday and i felt like i really was accomplishing something.  I normally smoke a pack and a half a day so i am just taking it slowly.  I apprecialte everyones comments. I agree the best way is to stay busy and i am going to take up knitting to help keep my hands busy. my husband smokes also so I have got him keeping up with how much he smokes daily.  He was shocked to see how many times he had to make a check on the notebook. Everytime i do smoke i have to make a check and believe me i get mad everytime i look at that pen and notebook. It has gotten easier so my goal today is to only smoke 12. I just have to read alot and keep busy. Thanks to you all for your comments.


When you get down to five you need to quit! Otherwise you keep yourself in a constant state of withdrawal! Withdrawal takes about 72 hours! That is it! In 72 hours the nicotine is out of your system! Then, you only have the mental side to deal with! That is gonna take a while!!


I didn't try to keep count. I just told myself to wait a little longer. Never denied myself by smoking more than a count per day that way. Never got uptight. Never thought long and hard about quitting. I sort of just let it happen naturally. I didn't even set a date until a few days before my quit. By that time I had gone from 20 a day to 5 and had PROVEN TO MYSELF that I didn't need to smoke everythime I wanted to smoke. That was powerfiul and I knew right at the store counter, that I was buying my last pack.