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My little savings notebook says...

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Good morning my dear fellow Exers.  I have posted quite a lot of blogs about celebrating milestones because there are new milestones reached all the time when we kick tobacco/nicotine to the curb.  Today the milestone I am celebrating is that I have just surpassed $2000.00 saved by not smoking!!  I keep a little notebook and do the math every few days to see how much I've saved.  This is a great motivator for me.  Being on a tight budget, I realize now I simply can't afford to smoke--not to mention the fact that smoking was killing me!!  If the financial cost of smoking is important to your quit, you might use your savings as a tool to help you maintain your quit--I know my little notebook of cessation-savings has helped me stay smober when I've felt that "maybe just one" might be ok.  There is no such thing as "just one" for me and I'd be back to a pack and a half a day in no time and all that money going up in smoke.

Anyway, hope you all have a good day.  Quitting smoking was pretty rough in the early days but it was doable as I used my tools to separate myself from that killer; and I am so very grateful that I've maintained my quit one day at a time!!  Thank you to everyone here at Ex for all you do to share your stories of recovery, strength and hope with all who come here.  Blessings to each of you on this journey to Freedom.


Wowza @ReallyReal .  Good time to quit, huh, since the cost of things are so high now.  Just one more reason to quit.  Logically, it makes no sesnse to spend $$$$ on things that will harm and hurt your health.  You can now spend $$$$ on things that enhance your life and actually make you feel better.  That's a win-win.


@ReallyReal Congrats on your savings.   I'm glad that's a motivator for you.  I still save my smoke money, but that was just an added bonus for me.



If it works, it works! Congratulations!


Congrats to you! The money wasn’t such a big motivator in the beginning for me to quit because I was so addicted but now that I’ve been quit for a while and can see how much I’ve saved it’s a big motivator not to want to go back.


Congrats on saving so much money and saving yourself from addiction. I'm proud of you, Raissa! I hope you treat yourself to something fabulous today! WAY TO GO, CHICA!! 💜


It's not just you that cannot EVER have just one puff!  It's true for us all, no different than alcohol or hard drugs:

The law of physiological addiction states that administration of a drug to an addict will cause reestablishment of the dependence on that substance. (from

Have you thought what you might do with your quit savings?  If you haven't already, maybe start a jar and write the amounts saved on slips of paper.  Just adding them up when you hit a rough patch might get you past it.  Dreaming of how you might treat yourself with even some of it is a great motivator!!

Congrats on $2,000!  That's a LOT of money - and saving of your health besides!




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Congrats, @ReallyReal


You are so right @biscuit9 , smoking ISN'T logical at all is it?  So much money spent on self harm.  Glad we're free.   @Barbscloud an added bonus is a good thing--yay us for saving!!  Thank you @AnnetteMM  it has worked for me and I hope it might help someone else too.  @Thyme I am glad that as you see the savings it helps motivate to keep moving in a nicotine free direction.  @McMoney Thank YOU, Chica, you're the best!!  @YoungAtHeart I guess I often put the words related to addiction in terms of just myself because I don't want to steamroll over anyone and make assumptions about their experience with smoking/vaping.  But ya, you are right, none of us addicts can have just one, and that's just the way it is.  Big hug!


Money was certainly a motivator for me because it helped me tie my behavior change of quitting to something tangible. My emotions were so raw that seeing the "dollars earned" was a reward for all the fuss I had to go through to get past the claws of my nicotine addiction. And it was a reward that kept on giving. $100, $500, $1000. Yeah!!! I'm not too proud to take brain candy if neccesary. Any and all tools to quit are good! And how you've worked your quits congratulations on all your steps forward in escaping your nicotine addiction, discovering that it is doable. I take strength from all that you are willing to do to keep making your quit work.


Good for you my quit buddy.  I just passed $2,700.00 myself.   Take some of that savings and do something nice for yourself.  You deserve it!


I'm soooooooooooooooo proud of you @ReallyReal YAY for Freedom! 💕


Thank you @maryfreecig @champsin97 and @MarilynH .  Big HUGs to each of you.

About the Author
I am 59 years old and love my four dogs and two cats, all strays I couldn't turn away. I love to be outside in my yard, watching the birds or puttering around in the dirt. I am so grateful that I let go of those inner voices that kept telling me, It is too late to quit smoking, or, Why quit now? I am so looking forward to being smoke-free.