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Share your quitting journey

My biggest fear

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I would really like to hear peoples thoughts on the return to smoking after many years of being smoke free.  Although I now only have 46 days, I pre-emptively worry about going back to smoking after many years of not smoking.  I see people on this site who have had marvelous success, years and years of freedom from smoking, but I also know people who go back after years. 

I sorta wish they would invent a vaccine for people who either have never smoked (preventing them from starting) and for people who quit for an extended period of time (preventing them from ever going back). 

I know this process is a daily sort of battle, but when I look into the future I really want to know that I can with some confidence know that I won't go back.  I so badly do not want to, and I know all the horrible consequences of going back---but I've felt that way before--and failed. 

Maybe I just need inspiration--I need someone to tell me that it gets better, and that for the most part it stays better.  I know that I am the ONLY person who can make me go how do I insulate myself from those thoughts that so sneakily have led me down that awful road back to smoking?