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Share your quitting journey

Me consider a Elder?

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After 7 years being smoke-free I have never considered myself Elder! I consider myself ex-smoker or non-smoker.  I still smile when someone asks me for a killer cigarettes and I reply sorry I don't smoke or I don't do that anymore.  Hoping it will open the door to ask me how did I quit.  Of course, I will be glad to tell them how I did it.  My sister finally has quit and she is very proud of her quit and yes she did it her way.  To quit smoking there is only one way to do it.  Don't smoke! Don't light it up!  Don't take that nasty puff.  Just say NO!  But the question is how do you say NO your way.  I came to the ex-community, read, read, and read.  Listen to any advice was given.  I kept telling myself one puff was not worth messing up my quit.  I battle myself, No man land, and stress.  Have you figured out your way by not smoking? 

It's really is easy chose to live not death.  Keep smoking death is right around the corner. That may seem harsh to say and for me, that is a scary thought.  When I was a teenage began smoking that thought of smoking is killing me never enter my mind but it does now. I'm not the best on advice but I do know how difficult it is to relearn to live without smoking.  When you set your mind to protect your quit that is how you quit.



When you set your mind to protect your quit that is how you quit.

Rings true! Thanks for sharing.


Yes, Lonita, you are an Elder in my Book!

You share what you have - experience and wisdom as you have today!

Thank You!


You have MUCH good advice and knowledge  to give. Thank you for this blog, good to see you!


What a blessing from God you are to ME!!!!  Lonita WOW so great to see you! Great job CONGRATS sticking with YOUR PERSONAL WAY THAT WORKED FOR YOU and helped ME to remain staying QUIT with you!!! YAHOOOOOO for you keep on keeping on in Jesus name amen Love you my beloved Lonita thanks again for YOUR love help and trurh nicotine is still killing early and I thank God for his grace that keeps us TOGETHER NOT ONE PUFF OVER ME! 


Thank you for sharing this blog post and congratulations on your precious 7 years of Smokefree living and counting WTG my friend and Fellow Exer you totally rock. 


Lonita‌ Very nice to meet you, your blog is very good, well said.  I remember when I reached a year and they told me that I was an elder...I said, "maybe a baby elder."  I felt entirely unprepared...after seven years of freedom, YOU should just feel like...yeah, I've got this because clearly, you do.



Great To See You. If you're seven years older, you're an elder.


Words of great elder wisdom, Lonita.  (Whether you want to be considered an Elder or not!)  Glad you came here once again to speak the truths of your journey and it's experiential wisdom.   And especially glad that your sister has come to see the light!  


I think this blog proclaims you an elder Lonita. Congratulations on your 7 smoke free years.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Thanks to everyone commented on my blog.  I do feel like Elder. To be honest it took awhile for that feeling occurred!  

I don’t smoke anymore and it’s fabulous. 


Welcome home young elder! It is good to see you here! Our door is always open and our path is free to walk! If you would like, we can stash your sleeping bag behind the couch!


Thank you


Thank you,


Thank you, it feels good to be back.