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Losing it

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I can't control any of my emotions now. I am back and forth between wanting to cry and scream and I am full of anger agitation. I already have problems with anxiety and depression and am on meds. I was doing really well with that stuff until I quit and now I am snapping on people and feel up and down all the time.

ugghhhh help


If it doesn't even off after the first three weeks, definitely talk to your doctor. (if you don't before then).  Depression and heightened anxiety is normal at the beginning of a quit, but usually pass after three weeks.

Usually, anxiety will calm down. I have a disorder and I'm finding that, after the initial rough start, I have much less anxiety in general now that I don't use any nicotine. If your anxiety continues to be too great, though, make sure to talk to your Dr.  Anti depressants might need adjusting. I'm 75+ days smoke free, and I'm still crying at the drop of a hat and... well, I can just tell that my depression is not where it was before I quit so I will be talking to my Dr. this Friday.

I hope you don't wait as long as I did to talk to your doctor, though! He may want to increase your dose right away. 


I hope you feel better soon!  Please know that you're not alone in this!


Hang in there.  I know it isn't easy at times.  But, maybe it doesn't seem like it right now, it will get better.  You are heavy in my thoughts.  We all want so much for your quit to be successful.


Definitely check with your doctor about your meds - and sooner rather than later.  I think quitting smoking DOES change your brain chemistry and adjustments may need to be made.  There is no reason for you to suffer needlessly if that is the case.

Do check!



thanks guys

Jordan weirdly enough I have a doctor's appointment friday with my therapist too. I was actually sooooo anxious horrriblyyy before i smoked. and to me it seemed, i know it apparently is an illusion smoking calmed me. and now i am feeling more like an anxious wreck so it scares me. I use the patch too, idk if that is good or bad, i guess part of me is to be afraid a 100 percent nicotine free


Hang in there and talk to your doc. Some people need their meds adjusted after quitting. I am not on any but my moods have been intenese too so it is a side effect of quitting I think


withdrawal makes us feel anxious, so when we light up we think the cig is calming us, when actually its just relieving withdrawal.  But if we DON'T smoke the withdrawal will still pass. Its just so hard, I know, because when you have a disorder, logic does not always work on the anxiety.... if it did, it wouldn't be a disorder! LOL.

If the patch helps you, than keep using it. I'm glad you're going to your therapist Friday. Hopefully he can get you in with an MD right away (unless he can perscribe).  Because, like Nancy said, it is a chemical change in our brains when we quit. And since you and I are on meds to regulate the chemicals in our brains... well, the meds must need to be upped.  

You could try replacing the act of smokiing with something else. A lot of people say that the flavor of cinnamin helps beat craves so they chew or suck on, or "smoke" a cinnamin stick.  I chewed on coffee stirrers while sucking on mints, someone said to cut up straws and pretend to smoke them,  I mean, if you're at home and starting to panic, it can't hurt to pretend to smoke a straw and see if that helps calm you.

Please, read Allen Carr's book. It will help distract you, teach you about nicotine and how it changes our brains and our thinking, and it might help you feel less anxious about cutting nicotine out. It helped me. I kept an open mind reading it, and I used the book to try and re-brainwash myself with the facts, instead of the illusions that I believed when I smoked.  This book has helped a lot of people, and I think it can help you.  Its an easy read, here's the link to it free online.

I hope you don't mind that I "Friended" you. Please feel free to private message me any time... we seem to have a lot in common.


I love making friends! Lol i'm such a goon.


lol me, too, then cuz i love making friends, too. always thought that made me a dork lol


Hi, did your anxiety ever level off or were your meds increased? I am going through horrible anxiety at 19 days out and been having to take xanax at times to deal with it. I am not using NRT. I don't really want to smoke, just have horrible waves of anxiety and panic all day.