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Share your quitting journey

It's been a while

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Hi All, I know it's been several months since I posted, but felt the urge to check in today and give a little update on me. I am still smoke free at 495 days!! I've had a few challenges, where life gets to me and I think I could really use a smoke right now, but I don't actually mean it. It's just 20 years of bad habits trying to haunt me. After about 5 minutes of that I'll acknowledge I don't really want a cigarette. What I want is that 5 minutes of decompression time going and smoking used to give me. I know that if I ever had another smoke I'd go right back to it, and I don't want that. 

In other big news, I have changed jobs recently. I was very unhappy and burned out in my prior job. I knew something had to change, and I started looking. Thankfully I found an interesting job in another department at my same employer. It's been a rough 3 months, as my old department didn't want to let me go and were slow at replacing me, so I was doing both jobs half time, which left me feeling like I was doing a poor job at both. But finally last week I fully transitioned into my new job. I am hopeful that this will be the right fit for me, but hard feeling like a newbie again! My old boss really acted like a jerk over the whole thing and I am glad to be moving on. My new boss is much better and I have a better work/life balance now. I'm not an accountant any more, but I'm still smiling - maybe I need a new username? 😁

Next goal is to work on losing weight. I've put on too much weight in the last year or so between work from home and quitting smoking. I think with less work stress I can focus on myself and not feel so overwhelmed and drained all the time. 

Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!