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It's a lollipop day in Glindaland

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Today has been another good day. I have been sleeping really well. I went jogging this morning and I was so happy that I could run up hill without gasping for air. I have had some cravings for cigarettes today but not too bad. I keep nicotine gum and patches handy only for the last resort. When I get a craving I remind myself that the average craving usually only lasts about three minutes. They start out low, peak and then go down again. I breath deep and ride the wave so to speak. Sometimes I get horrible anxiety. I have read that anxiety is common for people who are going through smoking cessation. When the anxiety gets too bad I put a patch on for a couple hours and that really helps. I hope you are all having a wonderful day! Lollipops for everyone!


Good going Glinda!!!  xoxo  img alt="" src="" />


Hey! Thanks so much for this post. I was having a hard couple of days, or harder, I should say. And, this post helped me a lot. I reminded my self about how long the cravings last. And, lollipops do help me! Hope you are feeling better and having a wonderful day...Keep up the good work. Take care, Em


Yeah, keep forgetting that I picked up some lollis at the bank! Thanks for the reminder!

Also, thanks for your response to my blog earlier.  It's great to be here! Thanks for being so helpful and welcoming, speaking of which, hope I never wear out my welcome here, this is such a great place!


Thanks for the lollipop! Congrats on protecting that qui!!