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If I am not around as much....

0 8 11

...don't worry : )

For those that were not aware I am moving, and we all know what a big pain that can be. It is an especially difficult move with an aviary to move as well. All the cages have to be revamped, while I have the chance, so I will be doing a lot of work getting fresh wire panels up, and such. But, I get to wear my tool belt!!.. and I kind of enjoy fixing things.

I will get on here as much as possible because I really need you guys, and enjoy so much seeing what everyone is up to, reading your blogs, learning something new almost every day, and helping out here and there when I can. Not to mention the fun. If you know me, you know how much I love to laugh, or make you laugh : ). 

I am hoping to get internet on over at the new house soon, that way when I am having to sit there while the contractor is getting the insulation and AC in for the birds, I can just hop on my laptop and visit at will! The plan is to be completely finished and moved by end of this month.

Anyway, I am sure I will find some time to pop in every day, but just in case you don't see me for a day or two here and there, you will know I am just busy with the move.

Oh, just want to say something about my quit. This has been an amazing quit! I am not struggling, I don't crave...I have thoughts, but not the kind that drive me nuts. I am just doing great, and I know that it's the time I have spent here with all of you. All the information and support, keeps me aware, prepared and committed. Aware of myself, prepared to cope, and committed to stay quit.

Thanks, and love to all!



Good luck with the move.  How far are you moving? 

Hope it all goes well for you.

Love you,

Good luck with the move lady I sure know the feeling had a big thought of digs today so I slept it off. Uggs hate when they creep up on u like that...keep in touch

Yes, by all means, keep us with you as you move! Your quit is important to all of us, because you are a part of us! It is important to me because you were a big part of my beginning here! And because you are a just important to me!  


I moved last August and the 2 months before that.

In Fact


I'll miss you


🙂  Be well and guard your quit. 🙂  


Good wishes in your move; it can be complicated and tedious, but moving is also a time to rebalance your thoughts, priorities and stuff too.  its a time where all is new (once you get everything there).  you get to decorate and lay out things anew.  and now your life is smoke free so it will be even a more pleasant experience for you.  best wishes and make sure you keep in touch lady.


That is a lot of work so I know what your talking about.....  For the tool belt... Toolman better look 

for your quit ... i can remember my first quit 85 day's and thought i had this and i did BUT, i stop coming here, thought i could smoke just one, and yes just like you i didn't crave, BUT i quit coming here, this site and the people on here are what helps me get through my quit and staying on here is how i give back to keep my quit....

hoping to hear from you soon!!!




Happy Moving to you!  And thank you, special lady, for being so supportive.  Yes, I whole-heartily agree, that this wonderful group of people has really helped me through this Forever QUIT of mine.  Look forward to hearing from you after you get settled.  🙂