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Share your quitting journey

I've been here before!

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Yes I have, not so long ago either. Back December 1st when I first quit after finding this site I seemed to be doing well. Got through "hell week", trudging along and then "POW" day 18 came along, last day of work before holiday shut down and I caved. I slipped big time. It was worse that wet dog poop. I actually stopped at the tobacco store on my way home from work (going out of my way) and bought tobacco and tubes, went home and smoked. So day 18 was a nightmare. I had let myself and everyone else down. I also was making my breathing worse with every drag. Depression can be an evil thing people. Don't let it get into your quit. It did not fix one darn thing or make anything better. Today is day 18 again for me. I really learned the hard way about Not One Puff Ever. I have since then been diagnosed with severe asthma and have been warned of the dangers of smoking ever again or even being around smokers. I am on medications that I will have to take for the rest of my life and getting a cold with a cough will be hell for me. So as I look back at my smoking experience of 35 yrs. I didn't see anything that made my life any better. I know that I can not take a puff ever. I am not missing it like a lost friend this time. I'm more angry that I had it in my life. So today is day 18 and I know that I will NEVER EVER take another puff. It wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't found this site and all you loving and supportive Online Angels who gave me the inner strength to fight through it. So today I celebrate you all and thank you all for helping me. No one has been as supportive in my life as you. Some day I will be a proud elder on here for sure. Have a wonderful smokefree Sunday! I know I am. ;-): Love you all bunches, Kelly

Always here for you! congrats on picking yourself up and staying smoke free!


I  think you should get to day 19 and take it from there

Oh I will! And day 20, 21, 22, etc.. LOL

You're doing great Kelly.  Just one day at a time.  There is only this present moment.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined.
-Henry David Thoreau


So happy to hear Kelly! Enjoy the day.


Tomorrow you will have surpassed yourself. It will be wonderful and I know you can do it!



Hi Kelly

Glad you are still with us and strong. You can do anything you make up your mind to do, remember the urge will pass weither you smoke or not. so glad you are here. great job on your decision to quit and coming back to it.



thanks for your post. it helps to solidify the belief that it is MUCH better on the non smoker side of life.... keep your quit close to your heart and hold it tenderly with love like a lost puppy and you will be greatly rewarded.!!!



Good to see ya still going strong!!   Stay with this- I make it a real piece of business that I devote some time to each day- Hope you will too-


Awesome!!!  It is good to know you've changed your perception of cigs - that will help in the long haul I believe.  They are NOT our friend,  they are (I don't want to talk like this in public) lol



Congratulations to you on day 18!


Glad to hear you sounding so positive, Kelly!


Kelly - I knew you could do this!! Congrats on day 18!!


Very awesome that you are aware you cannot take one puff ever!  I feel the same way.  I know that if I take just one puff it will be no time before I'm buying them again and then smoking again every single day, every waking hour.  I don't ever want to be there again either.