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Share your quitting journey

I'm still on it

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I went out and bought the book by Allen Carr today.  I'm anxious to read it.  Tracking cigarettes and still trying to put time between triggers and smoking.  Quit day is coming and I"m stressing out.  Bought patches and lozenges.


Try not to stress. I know it is hard. I found myself ready to quit about a week before my set date so I did. For the first few days I surrounded myself with people who would not allow me to slip. After that I was on my own. When they talk about the feeling of freedom there is nothing like it. It's the best feeling in the world. Hang in there. Get it in your head that this is your forever quit and treat it like a death.


Theresea, you can do this, you need to WANT to do this.  My son read the Allen Carr book and said that it made quitting "easy."  He strongly recommended that I read it and I told him that I would read it when I felt that I was ready...turns out I got really sick, first with the flu and then with pneumonia and I couldn't possibly justify what I was doing to myself.  It's my 15th day today and I have not smoked, I won't say it's easy but this site and these absolutely amazing people who are here to support each other and US are a gift that really is priceless.  I could not do this without reading about how other people have done it.  This is an addiction, like any OTHER addiction and we need to support each other.  We are here for you, you are here for us.  We will get through this one day at a time...sometimes it will be one minute at a time.  The urges come and go and believe it or not, they go whether you have a cigarette or not.  Good luck and keep posting, keep reading!


When you first quit smoking watch your blood sugar the link here explains why.


You can do this.


Don't stress, be busy and happy. Get your mind in a WIN state.


Good for you! Please do patches OR lozenges at one time...Both could be an overload of nicotine! You don't want more in your system than when you smoked! I hear it is best to take the patch off at night (you never smoked while sleeping) to prevent sleeplessness and strange dreams...xo


Try not to stress... you are hearing from people who smoked for years, and years, and years... i.e. 45 years..... once you understand that quitting is possible and will not "kill" you .... you will be surprised.... you don't have to stress... you do have to prepare and you do have to make the decision.  Understand that once you quit.... that's it .. not even one puff. 

Also, there are  more people that have quit smoking then people who smoke... if they can do this ... you can do this... believe and you can.


It's really doable don't stress  out think positive and you will be fine 


That's great that you are prepared! Take a deep breath iin........aaaaaaannndd oout. Good job! The Allen Carr book helped A LOT. It's well written and it is ok to still smoke while you read the book. When you get upset or stressed just think about all the stress that will go away once you actually quit. You won't have to stress about buying the cigarettes or making sure you have enough. You won't stress about when the next time you get to have a cigarette is or where a lighter is. All of that unnecessary stress will be gone.

You can do this. You are going to make a decision soon to become a non smoker. Your new smoke free life will amazing! 🙂

Looks like you are about 11 days away and WAY prepared for your quit. You can to this Theresea! Keep us posted!