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Share your quitting journey

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So I've been saying I'm going to quit smoking since about october. I said I would quit Christmas as a gift to my husband, well here I am, and that didn't work. So I decided my new years resolution would be to quit....nope didn't happen. So I talked to my doctor. First we had to get my anxiety under control from life events, and we'll I'm jus an anxious person...runs in the family. This took about three months finding the right medications without the crazy side effects. And than...we talked about quitting I wanted to try chantix...she said no, thsi could cause my anxiety to be worse and mood swings so she added wellbutrin which would help with both, anxiety and my urges to really helped the 1st week or so...cigs didn't taste as good...but that was short lived, But it has helped the anxiety alot. Here we are now..started the Chantix starter pack and I am on my second day of the titrated dose. It is helping..yay. I Do hAve side effects..Nausea, headaches and a little irritable but I can deal with this becuase it is making the cigs not taste so good...sometimes dowe right nasty! But this nasty habit keeps me coming back for more. usually, well the worst triggers for me right now is food....I smoke after I eat. So I say to self don't eat....hmmm not sure this will work out so well, I do drink more water now. But how do u stop When reading all the introduction info I read several times to get family support, But I don't want to do that. I feel like they will not understand that this will be a process, it's not like I say I'm quitting and I'm done...I'm cutting way back and taking meds to help. If I slip up after my quit date I will just disappoint my husband. So what's your advice. I feel like I can be stronger on my own with thsi one!! Sorry for all the typo's

Greetings and Welcome Rebecka!  From what you wrote it seems like you really want to do this.  GREAT!  And there are a whole bunch of people in all stages of the quitting journey here that will give you good support during the process.  Support is what made THE difference in many of our quits.  That and education about this addiction and our relationship to it. 

Chantix, Welbutrin, patches, gum.... they are all aids to help with the cravings.  But they won't take away all cravings and they aren't magic potions that will quit FOR you.  YOU have to do the work.  Preparation is one of the first steps.  Have a game plan in mind and stick to it.  Let nothing get in your way. 

Quitting is a skill.  And like any skill it takes study, practice, patience, hard work and perseverance.  It has to become a major focus in your life, not a past time.  If you are willing to commit to the endeavor, you will succeed.  The amount of work you put into it is kind of equal to the success you will take away from it.

Read.  Learn.  Do.  And cross out the word "slip" from you mental vocabulary. You'll be more likely to succeed if you do.  Slips are not required.  "No Excuse" thinking IS.  Glad you've joined us!  Stick around!


Hi Rebecka

Welcome to Ex

 If you take the time to do the work you will have success.

Read Study Blog Research Comment, Hang Tough Stay Close

You have come to the right place if you are making the decision to commit to quit smoking.  At EX our resolve is to never smoke again.  NOPE “Not one puff ever.”  I suggest that you follow the steps on the web site pages along with reading, writing, studying, researching and blogging if you like.

This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be a nonsmoker.  If you haven’t read it or have not been informed here is a link to Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Way to Quit Smoking”.  It is an easy read suggested by the “elders” (those with 1+ yrs. quit).

Also check out  There is a lot of additional beneficial information to read and study.  Look for Freedom From Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101.

Both were extremely helpful for me.  Stay close to the site and learn, ask questions. Read the blogs and most of all enjoy your commitment to quit smoking.

If you should need something to do here is a link that will help


Hello and Welcome to EX Rebecka! This is a great place to come to quit smoking!

Everything you have ever done in your life took learning, walking, writing, to get that diploma we had to work and learn actually we even learned how to smoke. Now we we want to quit, so we land here,(if we are blessed) like anything else we have gotten, we will have to learn it and work for it! The information is offered here. much of it in the comments above mine. There are also tracking exercises and trigger exercises at the beginning of this site that are very helpful! Study, learn, and work for it and you can have it! There is no magic wand! You will be uncomfortable at first, but study learn and have commiment to yourself and you, too can have your freedom!

Quitting is so doable! You can do this! I am glad you are here!

I Can't Quit on my Quit!


I am an anxious person also who smoked for a long time.  Quitting smoking helps anxiety.  Who knew!  Cutting down smoking does not work.  It requires biting the bullet.  It is not easy but you can do it!  It is the most loving thing you will do for yourself in this lifetime.  You can do this.


Welcome to our community!


To begin, smoking is an addiction.  It is not a habit.  You are addicted to the nicotine, and its associations in your life.  The best thing to do after a meal is to get up and DO something.  Start your dishes right away, or go for a quick walk, or brush your teeth and then play a computer game or come here and read or blog.


The most important thing you can do right now is to educate yourself on what nicotine does to your body and mind. To that end, I also highly recommend Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.” This is an easy and entertaining read.


As well, read the sections on this site, and read the blogs, responses and pages of folks you think might be helpful. You might visit and for the good information contained there. You should also do the tracking and separation exercises suggested on this site  Don't try to limit yourself to a certain number of cigarettes per day.  That just keeps you thinking about that next one ALL the time.  Just try putting each one off for a little while and you will reduce your number gradually.


The idea is to change up your routines so the smoking associations are reduced.  Drink your coffee with your OTHER hand. If you always had that first smoke with your coffee, try putting your tennies on right out of bed, going for a quick walk, then taking your shower and THEN your coffee! Rearrange the furniture in the areas you used to smoke so the view is different.


You need to distract yourself through any craves.  You can take a bite out of a lemon (yup - rind and all), put your head in the freezer and take a deep breath of cold air, do a few jumping jacks, go for a brisk walk or march in place, play a computer game.  Don't let that smoking thought rattle around in your brain unchallenged. Sometimes you need to quit a minute or an hour at a time.  You will need to be disciplined in the early days to distract yourself when a crave hits.  Don't let that smoking thought rattle around your head alone.  Get busy! 


The conversation in your head in response to the "I want a cigarette" thought needs to be, "Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?"  Then DO it.  You will need to put some effort into this in the early days, but it gets easier and easier to do.


Stay close to us here and ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way!




Hello and Welcome. Looks like you are another cat lover, we will be great friends. You are in the right place. Our community makes all the difference. Read, Read, Read. you can do this. So very glad you are here.

Cats @ 32 DOF

Welcome...lots of great suggestions...for me, I took the steps suggested on this site, then I made a decision to's simple...just don't smoke and I'm a may not be easy but we are worth the effort!!! You can do this!!! You've come to the right place, great education, advice, steps, PEOPLE, encouragement and support!!! You can do, like you, I didn't think I could but look at me doing it!!! You can also!!!! Welcome!!!

Welcome Rebecka! You are definitely in the right place! You have great advice above from my fellow Exers! Please do the reading and make sure you do not light up no matter how uncomfortable it is. It's a choice, easy as that! You will have difficult times, urges and craves but it is up to you whether or not to smoke, Choose not to!

P.S. The Allen Carr book is very helpful!!

See you around! 🙂

Thanks everyone! I'm doing pretty good. Last 2 days only smoked a cig before bed. I did smoke 4 cigs Friday is a big trigger for me. But brushing my teeth after I eat helps and when I'm at work I take a 10 minute walk after I eat. The headaches are frustrating, I am having an almost daily headache and sometimes migraine point with nausea. Thanks for all the great advise. Going back to bed to nurse my headache, but no cigs for me today!