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Share your quitting journey


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I don't think I've missed a whole week on EX since I started here on New Year's Day 2015.  I saw my neurologist at 6 a.m. last Wednesday and told him that I had lost my job, and he was sad to hear that, but glad that I'm not giving up.  My second interview at the company I saw a couple of weeks ago on Tuesday went very well.  I don't know what more I could of done.  Of course the recruiter said that the offer to the chosen candidate would "probably" be made early this week and I've slavishly watched my emails, but no notification from that company.  Monday was a federal holiday for the, so I'm figuring that set them back.  I would just like to know if that opportunity is viable.  I have a couple of interviews set up tomorrow and Friday through head hunters, and hopefully the right job will come along pretty soon, and life can settle down for another few years.

I had a fabulous time at the Reunion -- I'm really tired now but I'll tell you all about it in a blog tomorrow.   My dress was, just as I had hoped, totally kick-a@@, and if I can think if a way to upload a picture here I will.

I went to Marsha's (my sister's) pulmonologist with her yesterday, and the doctor is wonderful.  She's very patient, and has a lovely, caring demeanor.  But she was very forthright about the need for Marsha to quit smoking AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  The entire week I was with Marsha I tried to talk to her about what she needs to do (nebulizer treatments twice a day, taking the pills prescribed, using the inhalers, not laying down until bedtime, no food or drink two hours before bed.  Apparently her upper lobes show significant emphysema, as well as interstitial fibrosis. The fibrosis does'nt actually come from smoking but couple it with emphysema, and it's a serious combination.  She HAS TO QUIT SMOKING.  She's been cutting down and is down to abou 7 cigarettes a day where she was smoking a pack a day before this came up.  It breaks my heart to hear the same excuses I used when I was contemplating quitting.  "I have to get my head around this,"  "this is too stressful a time to quit."  "i'll be losing a companion."  I thought all of those things.  I sent her the Allen Carr book to keep, but she says when she starts reading it gives her a headache.  I threatened to read the book to her, but she wasn't impressed.

She was nice and only smoked on the balcony while I was there, but her place, which is extremely clean and neat DOES reek of nicotine.  We use her car because she can smoke in it.  I tried letting her smoke in my car with the window open and I knew right away it wasn't working.  I CANNOT STAND the smell  of smoking in my car!!  I have finally gotten that smell out of my car and I cannot believe how offensive it is.

So, I know that I can't bully Marsha into quitting, but her doctor said if she doesn't quit and to all the other things she needs to do, she will be on oxygen sooner rather than later.   I also have pointed out to her that I was a much heavier smoker than she is, I always said I LOVED smoking and I will be quit 300 days in a couple of weeks.  And I am fine.  Was it uncomfortable at the beginning?  Yes.  Was there extreme discomfort a few times?  Yes.  Was it actual pain?  Not at all.  Did the discomfort last more than a few minutes at a time?  Only once or twice.  Did it last all day?  Never.  And remember, I was the poster-child for a "Happy Heavy Smoker."  And my sister knows that as well as anyone.  So I can't bully her into it, I can just love her and continue to be an example.

Oh, boy, am I sleepy.  I will definitely write more tomorrow.  Gotta get to bed now.  (I didn't sleep for more than a copule of hours last night, and I'm whupped!  I'm glad to be back; I love you all, and I look forward to getting to know the newbies around here!


Good LORD Donna-----I cannot imagine going to a doctor's appointment at 6:00AM

On the other hand....maybe I would be so sleepy I wouldn't notice I was AT a doctor's!!!

I too have sister I love very much who smokes although she does not have the health problems your sister is experiencing. It makes me so sad to see her smoke AND to hear the say excuses that we all used and all still hear on this site every day.....too much stress, harder for her than anyone else, needs the cigarettes........etc. I don't preach to my sister because I know she really wants to quit and feels she can't I answer her questions when she asks about how I did it. Let's both pray that our sisters see the light.......soon.

Keep hopeful on the job scene........good things will happen.


I can feel the frustration.  But there is absolutely no way to bully someone into this.  It has to come from within.  And it's simply heartbreaking to watch those we love continue on their path of destruction.  All we can do is set the example and point them in the right direction.  The rest is entirely up to them.  It's examples like your sister that make it so very clear that this is an addiction and not just a habit.  She actually knows what she's doing to herself by smoking and still can't get it up to quit.  She will.  Probably.  But it's costing her so much to get there.  When it doesn't have to.  I feel forth both of you.

That you will land a job is obvious.  If not this one, then the next.  As an actor we lose jobs daily.  You learn to not take it personally.  So don't YOU! 


I missed you .Glad you are back.  


Just love her and be there for her.       But you already know that!


I had a dear neighbor who was diagnosed with lung cancer, and was still having her daughter light a cigarette for her so she could take a puff on her deathbed.  This IS a serious addiction - have no doubt. 

I remember before I quit when they kept talking about making our university campus smokefree and thinking I would actually have to QUIT MY JOB!  This IS a serious addiction - have no doubt.

You are a smart woman - with qualifications above and beyond most.  I know you will find another job!  Keep that chin held high!



Hi Donna.  So glad you had a good reunion.  So sorry about your sister.  It is tough to watch.  At this point saying anything to her about smoking will only cause more rebellion.  You are a shining example to her by your actions not  your words.  I wil keep her in my prayers.  That is the only thing we can do and that is alot.  God works miracles all the time.  Enjoy a little down time.  You deserve it.  Take care. 


So happy that you are hanging onto your quit!  As far as the job situation goes, when one door closes, another one opens!  I lost a job unexpectedly 11 years ago - and was devastated - but ended up in a much better place.  I feel like there are good things in store for you!


Hello, Donna! I am glad your reunion went so well! You are a smart lady and you will find employment, probably better for you than the last! My sister is 8 years younger than me and she still smokes. Her husband quit a year or 2 ago, but still she smokes! I can't even mention it to her because she gets so defensive. (yes I remember how I was) So Today I will pray for all sister's everywhere, and yours and mine! Congratulations for taking such good care of your Quit!! Have a very nice day!

Terrie  101  DOF


Welcome back!!


Welcome back!!


So very good to hear from you! I sure hope you get some happy news regarding a job - very soon! 

That is so rough about your sister smokes too. You are right - you can't push too much. You can encourage and you continue to be the fine example you are. 

Take care dear Donna!