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Share your quitting journey

I got this!!

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"I wanted to post this update in blog form also (it is already on my page) so those new quitters or those struggling to find a reason to hold onto their quit can read it and see what is at stake.

In about 3 weeks I will undergo a surgery that will remove up to 2/3's of each lung.  They will cut 3 holes in either side of me beginning under my arm pits, and cut one hole in my back (or front if it's more accessable).  They will go in with a camera, a cutting device that staples as it cuts away lung tissue, and the third hole on each side of me will be suction.  The hole in my back or front will be used to remove the dead and damaged tissue.


When I was diagnosed I was 47.  It was June 4th, 2009.... 3 years and a few months ago.  I am now 50 and facing a very serious surgery that "may" buy me another 3 to 5 years before I will be required to have a double lung transplant.  

I am ashamed that I let an addiction do this to my family.  If I don't make it (which I am very positive that I will fly through this) my family will be devistated.

For years and years I saw sick people and told myself that will NEVER happen to me.  Humph!



Well I have figured out that the medical feild moves almost as slow as the government.

After multiple trips the last 3 months to the Oregon Health Sciences University I have finished all the testing and have a date for surgery.

On August 22nd, 2012 @ 6:00 a.m. I will have a Lung Volume Reduction Surgery.  They will be removing up to 2/3's of each upper lobe.  I will stay anywhere from 6 days to 3 weeks.  It is all going to depend on my staples holding and no air leakage, and how fast I can recover and have tubes removed from my sides and chest.

It was June 4th 2009 that I was diagnosed and quit smoking.   A little over 3 years and I have declined to this point.  This will not cure me, it will only give me another 3 to 5 years before I will need a double transplant.  3 years sure goes by quickly.

If I could have had a sneak peak into my future I can tell you I would have never smoked, or certainly quit much much earlier.  

So when you are thinking about how hard you have it with withdrawls or discomfort from quitting, think of me on the 22nd and say a little prayer.  Thanks.  


You Got This

You will be in my thoughts and prayers


Kellie, Thank you for sharing this with us all. I am wiishing you the best.and saying prayers for you to have a speedy recovery.


Thanks for letting us know how your'e doing Kellie.  You'll be in my prayers every day!


Kellie---As always, your selfless postings to warn others are an inspiration to us all. God bless you---you will be in my thoughts and my prayers.


That means you will be in Portland, 4 hours from me.  Oh Kellie, I would love to come visit when you are able to have visitors...  I'll be praying you make this with flying colors, and of course you will!  You have been on my mind so very often .. Thank you so much for touching base....


I would love to have you visit.  I am sure if you called Oregon Health Sciences Cardiothoracic department and ask for Kellie Rice's room they would get you there.  Or at least let you call.  My daughter will be there with me throughout my stay.  


Kellie I don't know you but I went back to read some of your past blogs. You sound like a very strong lady going through such a terrible experience.  I will pray for you.  Your story will sure touch a lot of people. Thank you for sharing it with us.  It does help many people when you share your story. I know it makes me never want to smoke again. I just wish I could get some of the smokers I know to read it.


AWESOME!!  Now i be cryin'.  Promise I will try not to do that when I visit.  


Kellie, thank you for this blog.  Since I have come here, you have always been such an inspiration.  I agree with Sootie, your selflessness is amazing.  Thank you again.  I will also be praying for you.


You will be fine.  You are a very strong lady.  At least on the side that you present.  I suspect underneath that side is a great deal of fear.  Which you don't present.  I know this because I present the same strong side.  I hope Owl and you meet.  That would be a speciial treat for me, since I hold you both in such high regard. 
Hey - you finally got your date for the lung reduction.  This is a good thing.  I'm praying for the least amount of recovery time - those six days.  But you knowwhat?  You, Kellie Rice, can afford to take a few extra days to recoup.  You don't have to play superwoman now.  Now is your time to suck up all the heaiing necessary.  And then some. 

You're a part of my day...



Kellie... I pray for you ...great healing and everything going just fine.  Thank you for your words.... it is a reality check for any of us even 'thinking' for a second about those awful cigarettes.

Many prays for you.... your words made a huge impact. ♥


Prayers of strength for you Kellie.


Prayers are with you. I know you will be fine. Thank you for your blog 🙂

Dear Kellie, Thank you blogging for the newcomer,for being so generous. When I found your story I held it in my heart and it has helped me stay quit all this time. That would be amazing if you got to meet Owl and she you. August 22nd wow. You will be and have been in my thoughts and prayers. I am forever grateful that you are quit and found EX, All my best, Moe

Kellie - You are right - you've "got this" for sure - because of your beautiful spirit! That you for giving us this update and writing this blog from your heart. Thank you. I am sending lots of prayers! Please take care! 

So good to hear from you and wishing you well throughout your journeys. You know you so got this!

Hi Kellie,

Wow, I will be praying for you from this moment on! So sorry you have to go through so much, but I pray that you will sail right through your surgery and heal quickly. Your attitude and your determination is wonderful and your capacity to live is felt through your written words! 

Thanks for sharing your journey! It is truly a reality bite for me! 

Take Care and know that we are all praying for you!




Thanks 4 this post. It makes me want 2 stay quit.


I have a question for you. You don;t have to answer it if it is too personal but why are they planning to do a LVR surgery on you? Would a transplant be better and what makes one a candidate for LVR surgery instead of transplant?

I am curious about these solutions because my mother has COPD and may soon be facing some of these decisions too and I am clueless as to how to help her?


Part of the decision from the doctors point of view is (1) my age, they think I am fairly young.  I am 50.  Also my emphysema damaged moreso the upper lobes than the lower... which they say makes someone a good lung volume candidate.  And, this surgery helps emphysema patients more than it does Chronic Bronchitis, or Cistic Fibrosis, or other forms of Copd.

This is just a temporary fix.  My bottom lungs are also damaged, just not as bad.  So eventually I will need a double lung transplant.  Removing the dead and damaged upper lobes will allow the less damaged bottom lobes to inflate and deflate easier and will take the pressure off of my diaphram.

There is so much information online, and if she is progressing she should at this point have a Pulmonologist (lung Dr.) and he or she should be able to answer a lot of your questions.  Have you or your mom write a list of questions for her doctor.  I used to have so many questions then I would hear one piece of bad news and forget everything else.  That's why I also began to take my daughter with me.  She could keep the list and ask the questions, and remember them.  

Please always feel free to ask questions.  I don't mind at all, and if it can bring comfort to your mom, or relief to you then that makes it even better.

I forgot also to mention FEV1 tests.  Which is a measured test on how much air your lungs can exhale in a period of time.  The lower the number the # (usually around 20% or less) the better candidate for transplant.  My percentage is 37% so I would have to get much sicker to get any relief.


I am certainly praying for you Kellie and I always will.


Hi Kellie, just reading your blog.  I will be thinking and praying for you on 8/22. Take care and thank you again for sharing your story with us. 


You are a strong person, Kellie, and you have a strong, supportive family.  This I've learned about you in the past three years on here and later on your own blog.   I hope you have a quick recovery.  I'm sure life will be a little (or a lot) easier once you have the procedure done - look ahead to your recovery and to feeling better.  You are in my thoughts and prayers. 

A big hug to you,
