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Share your quitting journey

I can do this...

2 12 20

Hi everyone,

Well this is my first blog, I was having a really bad day and needed to let some of the stress go, I do have a journal, it's magic how writing things down makes them less painful, stressful, hurtful, but I think I need a bit of morale support today.  I am well into my quit, I have cravings!!! mega cravings but I am determined I will win this time, if things can go wrong when you are stopping smoking don’t you find they will... car breaks down, PC gives up the ghost, break some crockery, it rains, new hairstyle is awful... the list goes on doesn't it? it's not just me is it? well I got to work today and my boss called me in "Karen I'm sorry to say this but we are cutting your days to 3 days a week!" I went into immediate 'I need a cigarette mode'  I came back to my office, sat and had a really good think about this, I had automatically thought only working 3 days a week is a bad thing, it's not! I am going to loose some money sure but I am going to gain so much more, time with my grandchildren, time in my garden, time with my mom, time is a commodity we can never have enough of and I'm getting more of it 🙂  I have COPD and tire very easily so 4 days off work.... what a pleasure. 

So when Mr Nicotine decided on todays stress subject I bet he never thought I would eventually find it welcoming! 

Be strong everyone, we can do this quit together 🙂 xxx