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I am getting amazing sleep these days.

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For the first time in years, I'm sleeping 9 hours a night.  I honestly think it was my dependence on cigarettes that had me getting up so early.  It wasn't unusual for me to get out of bed at 2 or 3 in the morning to have a smoke.  That's just sad and pathetic.  It wasn't the craving that woke me up.  I would wake up to go to the bathroom but as soon as I was awake, the cravings would start.  I'd have 3 or 4 cigarettes which of course overstimulated me.  Then I had to have the morning coffee to go with it.  I was functioning on 5-6 hours of sleep at night.  I'm not getting up as often to go to the bathroom now but if I do, I go right back to sleep.  It is so much easier to function now that I'm getting enough rest!


I've had the same experience...things are much improved now. Like you said - if I get up - I go right back to sleep. We were really overstimulating ourselves.......the only down side for me - I don't read as long before I get sleepy enough to fall asleep!! Now - I get in bed, read a few pages, and bam! That's okay - I read earlier in the day! Take care and continued congrats on your quit!


Wow!  I am jealous of of that!  My sleep is still broken up.  I'm assuming its not withdrawl...almost 2 weeks now.  I DO get much more restful sleep hour for hour than I did though.  Good for you! 


It's weird you say that about the reading.  If I lay down, my body thinks it's time to sleep.  I can't read more than a few pages if I'm laying down.  It took me 2 weeks to read one book and that's just not like me.  I also can't watch a movie all the way through if I'm laying down, I start dozing after about 20 minutes.


Congratulations I am happy for you.  Congrats on your quit.  We can do this. Hang in there.  Shirley