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Share your quitting journey

Help. Be nice.

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I am super vulnerable right now. Usually, as now, I am running low on cigs and I  get nervous (will I have money for more, can I get to the store). Shawn wrote and helped a lot. I cannot have more when I run out. The countdown is scaring me. Four days left. Please write something about yourself , your dog , anything to get my mind off of this selfish beast inside me. Also, my weekend reading was frightening. I saw that I am still in danger of horrible disease even after I quit. The demons said 'so why quit'. But, i will and they'll be very unhappy. Won't they. 


hi Paulstope and welcome too our site, this place is full of great reads and ideas on how too quit smoking and how too stay smoke free i would suggest you read every thing you can understanding is a big part of becoming smoke free forever, we are all willing too help you thru your journey too becoming smoke free........sharon


Good morning.  My Mom has adopted a one eyed cat Lola Odette.  She is still very ferrell in many ways but has come along way.  She knows her name now and is lovely to be around.  She didn't mind me smoking.  In fact, when I was on the porch puffing away she used to come around front and meow to come in which I thought was ingenious on her part.  Now that I don't smoke she hasn't come through the front door anymore that I'm aware of.  I do go out from time to time to do some meditation and deep breathing that I copied from another elder.  I love that I go to a place that I used to kill myself and now use the area for enhancing my life.  At one time I couldn't go out there because it was a trigger to smoke.  Funny, eh??

It's important to educate yourself on the disease itself.  Please go to Jonescarp's page and read his blog.  It will enlighten you and mentally prepare you for your journey without cigarettes.  I read it once a week whether I need it or not to keep me in the right frame of mind.

I quit many many times before my forever quit came along.   You have to be dedicated to the quit.  I about went nuts just before a quit.  Believe me.  It's easier to stay quit then it is to continuously relapse.  You don't need that cigarette.  You just think you do.  Change your thinking!!


You will be fine. Stop scaring yourself into staying a smoker. You can not worry about your future self if you can not take care of your present self. Who in the heck knows if and what if any disease we will get. So STOP SETTING YOURSELF UP TO FAIL and take a leap of faith. Quit smoking, you will thank yourself for it!!


Good morning!!! i have to say something before the distraction.

First off, you're not losing anything in 4 days. You are gaining your life back! you are going to embark on a new journey. There is going to be alot of first's. Holidays, picnics, etc. Your breathing can get better, more confidence, self esteem. There is a list. Be on the lookout and jot them down as you start noticing the differences on your journey . Look at this with excitement not fear.  You are letting worry, fear take over. As you have been reading, you are learning. That is the key to a successful quit. When those bad times come, blog here. Those cravings dont last unless you choose to keep dwelling on them. The minute they come, you say sternly NOOOOOOOO!!!! NOT ANYMORE!!! and  you go about your business or change your rountine at that time if that is what brought it on. You can do it and we are right here for you!!! 


Now on the happy note. I was supposed to go to a ballonfest on saturday but weather wasnt good. So we went to Crocker park to shop. I had won a $50 giftcard on radio. I ended up buying food at trader joes and went out for subs. It was raining off and on. Sunday, went to church and just made dinner and watched the boats leaving the ports online. Thats something i started doing to calm me down when i quit. Now i do it just to relax. 🙂


I am still Spring (Summer) cleaning since I quit I have more energy to do a lot more.

It may take some days to get there, but before you know it. If you sick you may save your life by quitting now. My Husband has COPD but so far it has been to bad, he quit 25 years ago, never looked back. He still has not have to wear an oxygen mask.

You'll start breathing better within 20 minutes of quitting, don't look beyond the day, One day at time. Confirm everyday when you wake up. I will not smoke, today and bedtime contragulate yourself for making it another day  without  the cancersticks. Don't freat about tonight, tomorrow and a year. Stay in the moment. Better info on

Always ask for help.

What To Do Now


I often stop to remind myself that right here, right now I am very Blessed! In this present moment I am breathing, my heart is pumping, my blood is flowing, I feel good! I like to choose 5 things to look at

               4 things to hear

               3 things I can feel

               2 things I smell

               1 thing I taste

It helps to anchor yourself in the present as much as possible with kindness and curiosity. Explore what's going on right now. It's very soothing!


congratulate yourself every night. Excuse the spelling and grammar.


one day, sometimes just one hour is all you can do at a time.


You can do this, fill all those nervous thoughts with some positive thinking. Find little things you can do to fill the time and plan ahead. I believe planning ahead helped me a lot because i was more prepared. Be strong and good luck. Use this site to help, it is great.


Your Quit Can and Will Be Whatever You Make It.


Remember my friend, there IS a chance that each and every one of us might lose our lives because of our past abuses...tell me, would you want to be at your sickest, in a hospital knowing that what you had done was what you had to pay for at this point?  ALONG with that...would you want to be craving a cigarette.  That thought came to me when I quit in January and I suspect I was very close to not surviving.  I refused to go to the hospital despite my doctor and my family pushing me.  As a retired RN, I decided I could do whatever THEY could do with the exception of an IV.  Clearly, I survived.  Next time, I might not.

To change your focus...I cannot possibly improve upon what Thomas has said.  

Welcome to the possibilities of a whole new life!


Welcome to our community!

The most important thing you can do right now is to educate yourself on what nicotine does to your body and mind. To that end, I highly recommend Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.” This is an easy and entertaining read. Here is a link to a free PDF version of it:


As well, read the sections on this site, and read the blogs, responses and pages of folks you think might be helpful. As well, you might visit and


After you have completed the readings, it will be time to make your informed quit plan, including what quit aid , if any, you will use, and the crave busters think will work for you. Then you can approach your quit day with a plan in place.

I was also terrified as I approached my quit date (although I had not found this site yet.)  Educating yourself will help you understand what is going on!  It helped me that I made the decision, and then never argued with myself about it.  "I don't DO that any more!" was my battle cry!

Stay close to us here; ask questions as you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way.



I remember that fear just like it was yesterday and there aren't many things that scare me! But you know something, I survived it and I will celebrate my 1 year anniversary on the 31st. Just think, next year we can celebrate OUR anniversary..and if you quit on time,we will both have a 1 year quit going, for a few days. Just take it a day at a time andit will happen before you know it.


Fear - that's the biggest obstacle to face in this journey. Fear of how we will make it without the thing that's had control of us for so long. Please read that book that Youngatheart gave you the link to. It's short and entertaining and will explain your fear.

You are giving yourself a great gift in four days. Look forward to it like a kid looks forward to Christmas!!  Hey I have over 500 days quit and if you would have told me I would be here 5 years ago I would have said NO WAY.

You CAN do this!!!

I don't know where you are but it's very HOT in Flushing, Michigan today!!


I am glad to see that you are still on/or ahead of schedule to quit.  Congratulations!  Actually, fear is the worst part.  If you educate yourself, you will know what to expect and then it isn't as scary.  Making up your mind to quit is crucial.  Stay close to this site, I never would have made it this far without visiting and reading here everyday.


I smoked for 40 years and was petrified of quitting! The addiction kept saying things like - "it is probably too late".... - But, I decided it was never too late! I was going to focus on the quality of my life - not the quantity. I have no control over how long Inhave to live. None of us know - even non-smokers - what we may face in the future. So - quit now! It will only make things better - no matter what the future holds! Trust me - I quit 4 years ago and I feel better now than I have in many, many years! 

Not sure what you were reading - but, I highly recommend the free course at and Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -


Good Morning,

My quit date is not until July 28th because the 26th is my birthday...I understand your feelings of irritation and fear, but this is just the little monster still trying to control things. The last time I quit everytime I felt the little monster trying to whisper in my ear, I would take deep breaths and after a few minutes the monster (craving) was gone. I will admit that the first few weeks (for me) I was breathing deeply a lot. But, things happened and I am now trying to quit again. You can motivate me on the 28th (which will be my Day 1 of freedom), and I will motivate you on the 26th (your Day 1). Take care.


Do not quit smoking for fear you will die or for fear of getting a smoking related disease. 

We all WILL die.  Sorry, brutal but true.

Many people get diseases and they have never smoked.

Quit for TODAY. You will feel so much better. You will not have to feel like a social outcast while you search for a place to smoke. You will smell better and so will your home and your car. You will save so much money and so much time.

You will find out that your LIFE is 100% better.

You can do this. We all did and there is nothing special about any of us.



Read Alan Carrs book and read what the elders say. Those two things helped me alot. I t will be a year for me on Aug 4th. I never thought I could do this as I have smoked for over 50 years. If I can do this anybody can.