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Happy Thursday.. almost Friday

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Thank God it is almost Friday.  Was a challenging night to say the least. No sleep really - maybe 2 hours or so. The irritability is taking a toll on my marriage and God forbid my wife should have any level of sensitivity to not throw up her issues on me after we've discussed my low tolerance level until this is over. Geez!

I left for work at 5am (I usually leave at 8). I have done more before 8am than I usually get done before 11am (that's a good thing). I had to take a walk to calm my heart down. Between the tiredness and morning congestion/chest tightness, I just needed AIR!!!

The upside to it all... I DON"T desire to smoke.. not now, not ever! Maybe the cravings manifest differently in everyone, but there have been few times I have REALLY craved smoking. I smelled it the other day and almost gagged. That's a plus, right? 🙂

So far all you that have just given up smoking or significantly into your QUIT... keep going.

37 DOF WTG! Life's going to happen on life's terms...we cant change that. What we can control is our reaction. Isn't it awesome that you're choosing to not smoke no matter what??? You're doing great!!!

Given the vast array of unsettling symptoms and the current levels of anxiety you are having, you might consider talking with your doctor to rule out any other causes.  I know they can prescribe something for the anxiety.  You don't need your marriage to dissolve as you are trying to quit smoking.


Congratulations on your 37 days, I DO think that an aversion to the smell of smoke is a good sign and you not feeling craves is a very positive sign...just beware that they may rear their ugly heads when you least expect it.  I was such an intolerant and miserable person when I first quit that I am surprised my family didn't just refuse to speak to me ever again.  I am sure your wife has NO IDEA of what you are feeling or going through. It is hard for other people to understand and unless they have been through it themselves, they cannot relate to withdrawal.

I know that you said you slept well over the weekend, is your job increasing your stress?  Is there any way that you can adjust things so that you look forward to going to work?  It seems like your sleep issues are worse when you have to go to work.

I hope things really do settle for you and that you can just take this one day at a time, sleep deprivation is awful.


Yeah.. NOT going on Ativan again. Got on it, had side effects. Got off it, had side effects.

This is something my marriage will withstand... it's just intense for both of us and we're in it for the long haul. This is the way I vent (I can be pretty melodramatic at times)

Not sure coughing up tar and chest tightness are considered a vast array of symptoms. I'm guessing that is pretty normal for all the crap coming out of my lungs. Anxiety... not feeling so much. Irritability.. yes. 🙂


The job I am in is and has always been stressful.. not sure there is anything I can change on that end. Actually, starting to look for other work... work that I can get passionate about and not just exist in.


We're at about the same number of days smoke free and even though I know I never want to smoke again, I still have some crazy days that I think I want a cigarette.  For me its more stressful situations that I feel agitated and wish I knew what else to do.  Just do a lot of deep breathing and keep telling yourself "I DON'T SMOKE ANYMORE!' One day at a time 🙂


Your lack of sleep makes me wonder if something else is going on I also suggest you talk to your Doctor .

Stay Strong and carry On !


Yeah.. the sleep thing is now hit and miss. I slept normally last night. Woke up once in the middle of the night to go to the RR and then went right back to sleep. That is now twice this week I have slept through the night.