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Share your quitting journey


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I am thankful that:

1. My sense of smell is returning. 

2. My sense of taste is returning. 

3. I am going on a long overdue  trip today to see my aunt today.

What I focus on tends to grow in proportion in my mind. I will begin my day with 3 things that I am thankful for.

note: My aunt is 75 years old. She is not doing so well. I hope to bring her some degree of comfort by us seeing one another. She lives in GA. I live in SC. I will be there for about a week. I am going to continue to post while I am there.

I am both excited and a little bit nervous to see her. She and my mom look so much alike. I lost my mom to Alzheimers disease a few years ago. Ultimately the trip is about making her feel better and not about my feelings. Simultaneously I feel what I feel and I will have to cope with it.