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Share your quitting journey

Failure but not kicking myself for it.

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I guess the main point of this blog is to let people know that I failed at my latest attempt to quit, but...........I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I've read all the desparate and depressed blogs about others who have given in to the cravings, and pray that they take a different perspective on thier 'weakness'. Their strength is obvious, they tried, they didn't make it (this time) and they are willing to talk about it and admit it. They are indeed 'strong' people for that!

I take heart in the fact that I can try again, and maybe be successful next time. I am not weak, but just haven't resigned myself to really being ready to do it. I know that when that day arrives, it won't be Welbutrin or Chantix or patches or whatever that influences my decision to quit, it will be because that's what I am truly ready to give myself.

I, like everyone else here, will keep my chin up and keep trying, without hating myself for failures.


Atta girl - just keep trying.  It will stick!


Thanks for that, Judy!  Hope you are successful! 


Judy, you know the key, it's the resolve to quit -- patches etc just help you along to ease the addiction withdrawal.  Like you say, when you are resigned and ready, you will quit.  When you have it, you won't have to try.  You'll do it.  We're here.


All of us smokers are the most stubborn people,,haha

They say that less than half of smokers don't take part in the Great American Smoke Out, because we don't like being told when not to smoke,,lol

It's our nature to do this when we're ready and we don't need anyone to tell us when that is!

I really believe that when you are ready to do this, when you make up your mind and plan your strategy,,you will!

When I finally decided this last time, I got my Chantix, and then I just quit! My husband was shocked! He was still shaking his head a week later, and he told me he was still shocked that I quit as fast as I did!

I told him I was ready and when I make up my mind to do something, then that's it!

I think everyone on this site has a bit of that in them, including you! lol

Best Wishes to You!! We're all here for you now and when you're ready to take that final step!

Diane 🙂


I think you hit the nail on the head, we are a stubborn personality type!  I know I resent people telling me that I 'should quit' to the point that I want to light up right then and there!  Sounds childish, yet also see it as a personal little strength!  I won't allow people to 'bully' me or 'guilt' me into quitting. When I do quit, it will be because that's what I want to do for me!

Thanks for the inspiration, butt-kicker!  It is much appreciated! 


in my last quit, I had a guy in a forum similar to this tell me ...yes, I was a failure....I'd gone 2 days and caved. But then he said something new that changed my perspective.: If I was a quitter then I freaking quit, whatever the circumstance. What is important is to quit and to never stop. Count your days in a row. I was quit 5 years because of him.


Ofcourse you haven't resigned yourself to being ready to do it, is your mind ever going to be ready to give up a substance it's addicted to? You don't 'resign' yourself to quit, you do just the opposite. You work, and instead of giving up hope on ever enjoying something like smoking - you remember what it's like to not smell like an ashtray, to be able to exercise, to feel physically fit, to not beat yourself up everytime you light up or let others do it every time you have to step outside. Addictions have a way of making you forget what you're losing, so don't hate yourself. But by making it seem as if the people who did quit smoking were just waiting until they could stop, aside from making it easy for you to cope with your failure it makes the ex-smokers seem like they didn't have to work every moment of not smoking. Better luck next time.


on my profile when asked what my skill was ... I said that I never give up.  So, just keep trying and keep trying and never give up on trying.  You'll get there!


Some failure in life is inevitable. The real sin to life is to stop trying. In this case the real suicide is to stop trying. Hope to see you back blogging that the rebellion is over and the quit is on again. I will be praying for all of us!!


Thanks everyone, yes, even you, Ryan! LOL

I don't plan on quitting the 'quitting', just not going to make myself feel like some kind of low life when I give in to having a cigarette. As far as exercise and being physically fit.........well, guess that's the unfortunate part, as I am 58 and very active and very physically fit. Doc is always impressed when, or rather IF, I have a visit with him!  People don't upset me when they ask me to 'step outside' for a smoke, never have. I even do it for others in my own home, its just polite.