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Well don't I feel foolish. After all that praising myself for doing that well, I ended up smoking again on Friday. I had a fight with a family member and ended up smoking on Friday and haven't stopped since. It's only Sunday, but I'm gonna give myself a quit date again tomorrow (7 Dec). I feel really bad about this. I actually FEEL unhealthy after going about this.  I hope I can do it again tomorrow. I cut down drastically today to just 1 cig in the hopes that tomorrow will be better. Wish me luck guys!


I do wish you luck!  It happens sometimes.  Are you ready tomorrow?  Or do you think you need to take a week to refocus and reground?  Don't be afraid to do that if you need to.  It's more important to your health that you succeed.  You don't owe anyone the speed about it.  Be sure be focused and be strong and do it however it works for you.  You're still resolved, that's good.  Have a wonderful night and relax!  If you pick tomorrow Good Luck!  Thinking of you!



Good quit day is tomorrow as well......let's stay in touch since you are quiting on the same day....I am getting sunflower seeds tomorrow and some bulk healthy munchies.....I know those family members can be quite trying.....good thing my Mom only calls on the


Thanks really honestly means a lot to get the support from you all. Yeah I think I'm ready. I cannot stand the thought of smoking, so I'm gonna try, and the thing is  I succeeded for 10 days, without even seriously missing it, so I know I can do it again.  Thank you Kim.

And I've brought a whole lot of water and stocked up on gum. This time I'm adding baby carrots to the mix. During the 10 days I stopped I stuck with grapes and watermelon for breakfast and usually a salad for Lunch, these last few days when I smoked I ended up eating fried chicken and a whole lot of unhealthy stuff, so I've gotta get rid of all that too. Everything in moderation, I say.

So tomorrow it's gonna be my water, carrots and grapes. And I'm gonna make sure no one takes the upper hand away from me, well I'm gonna try.

Jumpy, I wish you luck indeed, and I hope to hear how thing are with you. Don't worry you can do it.


I'm thinking of you !!! We can do this ! keep supporting one another and we will be fine ! message me if you need support 🙂


Sometimes we just go back to what is familiar to us (even if is destructive) because we do not know any other way to cope with it..... Obviously that is a big trigger for you. confrontations.  Make a plan to see how could you have reacted in a different way.... Sometimes I play a game in my head thinking /// what if it was not a cigarrette in the world? then what.... I will just have to deal with it.... So.... maybe it will work for you.

I am with you.  Failing is the process of being succesful. Just dust yourself and keep your head up and make your plan.

Just for this second.....

We all care for you because you are WORTHY!!!!!


hey there--i just want to commend you on WANTING to quit. you are so so so so so far ahead of so many smokers. if you want it, and you ask for help, you will succeed in this. thanks for posting iwth such honesty.