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Driving to work is a BIG trigger of mine, and then another big one is getting off of work and driving home. It's like little treats I give myself for a good day done.

Anybody have any ideas for little "en route" treats I can give myself instead? I'm a singer, so singing scales is an obvious driving activity, no one can hear me and I can just open my mouth and let her rip lol 

Driving is actually one of the only times during the week I have to myself....maybe I'll burn a cd of lil wayne and young money and joni mitchell, music my boyfriend doesn't wanna listen to ha

Well here I go, wishing I burned that cd!!! But I'll be cool, this website is GREAT, I've gone on everytime I've wanted a smoke and just read through everybody's posts. 


Hi cat, Driving was a huge trigger for me as well. I pop a piece of sugarless gum in my mouth, I sing loud and proud. I keep two hands on the wheel now too. Like we are suppose to. It's not a trigger anymore. I enjoy driving more now then ever. Keep coming here and reading. Have a great day.


GOOD for you!!  Do what you have to!  Listen to music, sing, count 'blue' cars or buses, whatever keeps your mind occupied and is fun for you.  GREAT JOB and GREAT work prepping for those times you can't avoid but you know trigger your urge!!  This is the way to do it!!  Other's have told me things like find a new route - gives you new things to look at and you don't drive by the familar places to buy.  Start a car pool - with non-smokers please!  LOL  Someone to talk with!  (Not all suggestions work for everyone but take what works for you.)


Thanks!! This site is so wonderful, it makes quitting way more tolerable haha

Seriously, connecting with people with similar goals and having encouragement from people who KNOW what it's write down what's happening in my journey toward better health and harmony. I'm grateful.

Today was just a little meeting, got to an fro without much to write home about. I'm feeling so much pride and motivation at my one week mark, right now that's taking center stage...However, I am getting prepared for quitting to get less exciting haha. When I got a little restless and uncomfortable I took a little impromptu detour into LLbean and looked at little doggy sneakers LOL

I'm okay with feeling uncomfortable. Quitting is all about a new vision for myself, and new standards too...getting there requires me to wade through this limbo place---I'm not where I was, I'm not where I want to be yet. I'm just here. Trying to do good 🙂

Thanks again for taking the time to reach out and say "Hey, you're doing good!" I can see already that when I'm tooting along in my little subaru and nobody's there but me, I can get a little soft on myself..."well maybe I could have some butts as a treat at music festivals this summer...and look forward to that, and that'll get me through work"....

I'm gonna have to Watch for that and come Here for a Tune Up!

Xo Cat


Nope - no butts for YOU!  As addicts, our mantra from the quit day forward must be, NOPE (Not One Puff EVER).  There is no such thing to an addict as just will always be followed by another and another.  And, don't ever doubt that it is true!

Someting not mentioned earlier:  I kept a small cooler in the car to keep water bottles REALLY cold, and sipped on them during my drives.  Did you ever have close calls when you smoked and drove - like an ash falling in your lap?  I liked to remind myself of those times, too, to keep me focused on how bad it was to smoke and drive!!!!

Every day you don't smoke you are "doing good!"  They add up quickly, one hour, one morning/afternoon/evening, then one week at a time.

Congratulations on your decision to quit!


Quit 7/4/12


Like you, my concern was driving without cigarettes as well.  I loved (or so I thought) to smoke and drive.  Now it rarely enters my mind.  Would you believe that is possible?  Well it is.  Stay close to this site and do all the recommended readings.  Welcome to EX


So far this site has been a really big help. Everytime I find my thoughts straying over from my goal and what i know is true in my heart (I am not a smoker!!! That's not who I want to be) I'll hop on here and read around. 

Just sitting here to respond is like an action in the right direction. Thanks for the welcome and encouragement to keep "doing good".

And yes, hot ash has fallen in my lap before!!!!!!!! and smoke's gotten in my eye, I've brushed my boyfriend's arm with a lit cigarette, burned a hole through my favorite skirt, smelled and felt awful and couldn't breath through my nose. Not missing ANY of that!


Scrub your car, i mean clean every nook and cranny, get every ash and flake of tobbacco, and get it smelling so fresh and clean, and take pride in that, that is a reward for me is a clean smelling car, no burn holes in the seats, floor, and it always smells great when i get in it. Wonderful for you not smoking!