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Day 66 and Was Bad Day Yesterday!!!

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Could have lost it so easily yesterday ....but I didn't!!

I have a teenager with a rage problem. Its been under control for awhile now , but have had previous instance of physical and verbal violence from him. ...and yesterday was another one of those days. 

I'm not sure why but in raising 3 kids I'm thoroghly convinced video games are on the forefront of much of the drug use and violence of this generation. I've seen it, Rage , physical aggression, disrespectfulness . At times its just horrible. I have tried to limit the access to video games for this reason but now my youngest has turned 18 about 3 weeks ago ..and hes pulling this "I'm 18, you can't do anything about it" card. In a nut shell, its the attitude: the heck with homework i'm playing my xbox and you cant stop me.

I can honestly say when I am able to keep them away from the video games these things dont happen or aren't NEARLY as bad when they do...and most of the things I have had done or said to me by my children would have gotten me knocked on my ass by my dad 30 yrs ago ...that is providing I ever went braindead enough to even attempt it. But these days you can't do a thing about it. The kids hold the cards on how far you can push the discipline!...and they know it. It doesn't keep me from trying tho

Yesterday it esculated to that rage situation. I found out he's failing one of his senior class requirements (english) and tried to talk to him about it and we were off and running Not the first by any stretch. He's SO smart too , doesn't even struggle but is of the thought that he is special or something and thinks he doesn't have to do the same as everyone else homework , he is failing simply due to homework that isn't turned in. And you can NOT talk to him about it . It's been a very frustrating situation for a couple of years now but now we are down to the semester of senior year and if he doesn't get over himself he isn't going to graduate!! 

Now if that isn't a valid reason to trigger an attack for a major nicotine fix! .. funny how the mind immediately goes  there under that kind of situation , but it did. 

I didn't do it , but it was really difficult afternoon of nasty nicotine thoughts. 

This morning I'm better . Teenager is still here after threatening to run away from home. Hubby says I should have let him go. But I'm still hoping to get him through high school to June then I guess he can be on his own. He still have his xbox even after threatening me over it as I really didn't want it to esculate to physical violence again and I know it could, but I have turned his phone off and he's been put on fair warning more second chances...this is his LAST chance, he better catch a clue and do what needs to be done. He wants to be treated like an adult , guess he'll figure out the hard way . Just like us battling our demons this case nico-demon ...there are consequences to our actions and eventually most of us learn....


The Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!!!

New day ..hoping for a better day! 🙂


I admire you for being the mom who wants to get him through high school. Its' so difficult for many to survive with no diploma. It almost always set's them into minimum wage mode which is hard to get out of.

You dealt with all this as a smoker. You can and are dealing with all this without smoking.

Who would've imagined just how powerful your choice has become!


Oh wow Shelley you certantly have your hands full and I am really proud of you that you stayed smoke free...

These days our teenagers have lost respect just in general not just towards us as their parents.I had hit a really rough spot with my daughter in her senior year as well, she didnt even wanted to graduate or walk the stage for that matter. She just didnt care about anything really. They think they know it all, so I did let her experience what it would be like on her own, working at a restaurant for tips and being responsible for herself. I also took away everything that I paid for, Phone, Car, car insurance, and many other things, I just told her everything is on hold until you can pay for it, all in all it lasted for about 6 weeks and she came to her senses. Now fast forward a few years and she's about to graduate from college with a Neuro Biology degree and wants to be a surgeon. Hang in there parenting is a tuff and sometimes VERY challenging job, but dont give up He will come around



Having a cigerette would have only made you mad at you and disappointed that you blew such a good quit.  My God Shelly, its been 67 days today, thats awesome, you are strong and have brought yourself along way, be proud, stand tall and show that disrespetful son that he cannot get under your skin. 


Sending happy, positive thoughts your way!!


Have a blessed day!


Ms. "J"


So proud of you for not smoking over this very stressful situation.  You knew it wouldn't help a darn thing. 


I know this isn't probably correct to post an outside link ...however . this is what I'm talking about, you can see ...when he's reasonable, he's so smart and so articulate . it angers me when he gets like he did yesterday. I'm not giving up on him ...3 1/2 months to go ..then after that ..i guess its up to him.


Your not alone with the teen troubles. We gotta hang in there, tho! Hugs! 


Hard to believe this is the same kid that has multiple run ins with the law over domestic violence ..mainly for putting his hands on me . Anyways . with that said I'm doing the very best I can to improve my life by doing the right things ..and hopefully its not too late for my children to learn by my example ...and if it is least I will have done what is right for me. 

One day at a time! no smoking, no drinking , no self destructive behavior for me today!!


Neat video.  It IS our job to get them to 18 without drowning them.  Some days that's a challenge.  I know I felt like stomping a few video game thingys when my son was a teen.  Some of the best rewards to parenthood are after they are grown and gone and they finally tell you that you were right all along.  Too bad they don't get that Ahh Ha moment earlier.  Sure would make life easier.  Hang in there.  Nothing to smoke over.  Keep leading by example.


I decided the reason that babies and toddlers are SO cute is so we fall in love enough not to kill them when they turn into teenagers.  I also kinda' think it's God's way of getting us over them leaving the nest.  I skipped down my neighborhood street when my oldest left for college.  It was one of the happiest days of my life!!!

I am so glad you know that smoking would not have made any difference!  Hang tough!  You know you are doing the best you know how - and that is all you can do.



It is very hard to deal with teenagers and you are a very strong woman to not give up on him and wanting to se him through high school. Congratulations on 66 days! 



Although I can't imagine why anyone would want to complicate their life by smoking again, I am proude of you for not falling into that trap. Children are the most important part of our lives and until they are out of the nest, they do require constant supervision. From your post, I would say that you are doing the best you can under those circumstances. I and many other parents will tell you that often when a child has rage problems it is because they don't know how to work within the system (home). Parents are the most important teachers, for any child, as to how to get along with other people. As hard as it is, you will someday be able to look back and understand that you did everything you could do to help this young man. As for now just hang in there!



Hi Shelly,

I am so grateful that you are so honest at this site. 2 of my 4 sons were out of control as teenagers. 1 of them actually went to a wilderness camp for 11 months. I'm here to tell you there is life after teenagers. They are 26 and 28 now and both are alcoholics. They have difficulty holding down jobs and one has a son that he doesn't see or help to take care of. I do NOT enable these grown men in any way. I hope you will stick to you're word and not enable you'rs after high school. Just know that you have done the best you could.



Do whatever it takes to protectyour quit.. no matter what happens, smoking will never imporve matters.

I have a son very simular to yours.  You should explain to your son that grades and school are his currancy right now (thats how he pays rent and bills).  he is 18 and has  has the control, so let him have the control.  If he if he dosn't pay the bills (do good in school) you can do things like.. not make him dinner, he didn't pay for it.. change the wifi password. (xbox live uses it) he didn't pay the bill.

just like if you don't pay the internet bill.. they shut if off.. if he wants to be an adult, treat him like one who still lives at home with mommy, and must obey houser rules and pay the rent (school currency).. just a thought.. It works for my son with out a fight.. I just calmly say.. im sorry there isn't any internet until you pay the bill..



Shelley---I am very glad you did not smoke. Stay Strong. 

As for your son.....Scott said it all for me.


Shelley - I am so sorry you are faced with these challenges! I taught in high school for 24 of my 30 years as a teacher and went home on many days - so happy to be away from teenagers! God bless you! Continue to protect your quit - way to go!