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Day 2 - Not quite started yet but......

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Yesterday was ok.  I slept for a gigantic chunk of the day but that is a typical Sunday for me anyhow.  I really did not have cravings while awake.  They were more just like little thoughts.  Like "you never had your last cigarette because your body crashed and fell asleep the night before you quit".  I told that voice to shut up.  Then it crept back in with "you could sneak one and no one would know".  I said I WOULD KNOW.  Then I ignored that one.  Then nothing really until I got into the car to go to the store.  That is when I began feeling a little irritable.  I tried deeply breathing.  I closed my eyes and went to a happy (nonsmoking) place in my mind.  Then I was fine until nighttime came.  I keep vampire hours.  I crash from sun up until 11:00 a.m. then I am up until sun up the next morning.  I sometimes take naps but I have a child to be up with all week so the weekends, I catch up on sleep if I can.  So I guess because nighttime is a lonely hour due to the fact that everyone else I know sleeps, it gets kind of lonely.  I guess the cigarettes have been my company through those lonely nights because as I am awake and everyone else sleeping, I am staring to feel stressed and wanting to smoke.  Still not as horrific as it has always been through other quits.  Hell most of the other quits I did not make it until sundown.  So any ideas of ways to cope through the car and night would be greatly appreciated.


First congratulations on your decision to quit,

Second,when those cravings come on strong go get a drink of water and go for a walk and enjoy the fresh night air. I work nights and weekends so I know exactly what your going through and yes it would be easy to sneak a cig but then you'd be a smoker again so don't fall for only one won't hurt because it will.

Third try chewing on a straw anything but a cig in your mouth it does help.

Four Stay strong visit this site twice a day morning and night , write a blog on how your feeling and take it one day at a time all you have to do is make it for the next 24 hours don't think about tomorrow make it through today.

I have been smoke free for 86 days and it gets easier with every passing day. this site has alot of people that will support you but you and only you can make the decision to smoke or not. 

I also stayed away from people that smoked and did not drink for about two months cause that will surely kill you quit. You can do this it is so worth it.


First, if you're still smoking, you still have nicotine in your syatem.

You need to make a plan with or without nicotine replacement realizing that as long as it's in your body, you are under it's influence.

You also need to realize that this cigarette before bed is really just an association you have made. Associations can be changed and eliminated by making new changes.


great blogs today, tks eveyone.. i use cut up straws, the same size as a cig, depending on the urge,, i may puff on it, or blow threw it, or chew chew chew lol maybe a pack of straws in your car will help? tks for your share


I used to work graveyards which meant that at 2 AM I felt like I was alone. But guess what? I came and blogged and a Friend responded.. Soon we made it a habit of blogging in the twilight hours just the 2 of us. It seems like there's always somebody online here ready to talk. 

I also recommend stretching and exercise of any type. You will get more oxygen than you ever had before and the dopamine that sickerettes have artificially replaced. 

Select a member that you find inspiring and read all of their Blog history. Go to their page and the blog history is on the left. Fill your mind with Freedom loving thoughts. 


Congrats on day 2.  I agree with everything everyone has said so far except for chewing on the straws.  That worked fine for me when I had teeth but without them it's nearly impossible.  Tee hee.  That won't always be the case.  Some day in the future I will have my implants in place and I'm so glad I don't smoke anymore to pay for them.  If you have teeth Piper chew away.  It really works.


Congrats on day 2!! Keep telling those smoking thoughts to 'shut up' and you will be fine!! That's a hard part of this......and you are doing it!! Straws helped me and so did menthol cough drops. I never wanted to smoke with that taste in my mouth while i was a they helped. Also Altoidds, cinnamon candy and Listerine strips.


I agree with the cough drops, you can also stick your head in the freezer, bite into a lemon, rind and all...might make you drive off the road.  Does the car still smell like smoke...I remember getting into the car the first time and thinking that I had forgotten how to drive.  I made sure there were no butts left in makeshift ashtrays and I Febrezed the car after I vacuumed it.  Driving was, by far, my most difficult thing to conquer.  I wake up during the night and read...I don't know if you smoked in your house but if you did, you need to clean that up too and get rid of the smell.  Wherever you went when you smoked at night...go someplace else.  Change the furniture around, make it a nice area to relax without smoking and keep it up...N.O.P.E.