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Ok this is day six going ( COLD TURKEY ) no drugs no patches no gum,

i am doing good, I  am getting use to not going out after meals and before bed for a smoke  the cravings are getting less every day still a bit edgy but that too will pass. For those of you using drugs patches or gum please let me know if you are as edgy or is it easier that way.


It's day 6 for me too cold turkey! I still get a little edgy also, but like you said it too will pass. I also heard that if you take chantix (I heard this) that once you stop that's when you get edgy. So I think it's better to get it all out at once. I did it this way 8 years ago and only came back to smoking this past summer.

Good Luck Stay Strong


I'm a Sixer also, I've been using the patch but have been taking it off in the evening because of the dreaming that disrupts my sleep.The patches help me take the edge off. I usually put a new one on before leaving the house for work. This morning I just put one in my pocket and took off.Days 3-5 have been very easy but today I could tell I was more edgy, I was in Mc D's drive-thru when some jag-off cut me off I went instantly into drive-thru rage. Had to fight to laugh it off,stopped and put my patch on and was fine in an hour. Back to being easy again.


You've come so far cold turkey!  Don't go back, the nicotine is out of your body by now!  I did use the patch this time (off it now) - but to add the patch on day 6?  I wouldn't.

You're just having a tough day - they happen on the patch as well.  Just stay busy, don't smoke today!  Sing, breath deep, crochet, knit, do jumping jacks, make bead necklaces, blog, read blogs.... just don't smoke!

Stay strong and breath deep!


Hi day 6 cold turkey for me too!  I've tried in the past to use NRT in previous quits and I sill restarted, so I figure get through this and I won't have to go through getting off the patch or gum or whatever!

I think it sucks regardless but well worth it!

Keep the quit
