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Share your quitting journey

Celebrating 4 years

9 13 298

It is really a great accomplishment for me to be able to say.  I really did it!  It's been 4 years since I took back my life from smoking.  Who knew that a few puffs in the school yard in 1972 would lead to a 44 year addiction.  Quiting was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do.  I remember i literally had to talk to myself everyday to keep from picking up one.  I'm so grateful to this group and i really should log in more often to see if i can help somebody.  Thanks Mark, your emails remind me of all my milestones.  Nancy I remember your wisdom and I live with N.O.P.E .  

I'm wishing all those that are trying to quit to just do it.  If I was able to do it, anyone can.  

Thank you EX community!

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