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Celebrating Six Years Today

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So excited to be celebrating 6 years today after 50 years and many attempts at quitting, A diagnosis of mild emphysema gave my the motivation to want to quit for my health.  I had a great Pulmonologist who supported my efforts and never tried to scare me into quitting.  It didn't take the first year I tried, but with some different aids and his support, I  was ready to try again. 

I found the Ex a week prior to my quit date.  I had already been to a cessation class, had my aids in place including Welbutrin and nicotrol  inhalers and cut down for a week on a reduction schedule.  I came across the Ex by accident and I'm so glad I did.   I took advantage of the texts, became educated about nicotine addiction and I learned how to quit for the first time.  In the past, I'd pick a date, an aid and went blindly into my quit.  Needless to say my journeys were very short lived.  

Most importantly, I utilized the power of  support that I  found here from fellow quitters.   Even though your quit is your own, I would never have made it early on without being able to reach out and have someone remind me that I needed to reman steadfast to achieve my goal of becoming an ex-smoker.  Some of those supporters are still here, but many are not regular visitors on the site anymore.  But I have not forgotten how influential they were in my quit.  

For me, quitting was hard and it took work   i never thought I would ever be counting years without smoking,  But it can be done when your utilize what's available.  For me that meant aids, a supportive  doctor and the Ex.  Thanks and best wishes to everyone on their quit journey.
