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Can't Sleep? OR Sleep All of the Time?

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In the beginning Smoking Cessation can impact not just how tired you feel, but even your dreams, your breathing during sleep, and your body’s internal clock.

For a few weeks after we Quit, Some of us sleep much more than normal, while others find themselves unable to fall asleep or waking up frequently throughout the night. Here’s the catch – We don’t know what our Normal is! Normal s what was prior to being a Smoker with age differences thrown in for good measure!

This phase usually lasts for about two weeks before sleeping patterns stabilize again. In some people, it can last up to a few months. Sleep will eventually settle in to a normal pattern for you as an EX-Smoker. Then aging will exert its normal adjustments. Whether it turns out to be more sleep or less, you will sleep a lot sounder knowing that you are no longer under the control of Nicotine thus risking your health and artificially stimulating your Brain and Body.

As I said Nicotine is a stimulant, and withdrawal often causes a temporary state of depression. See my Blog entitled Good Grief for more about this:

The absence of Nicotine in the Brain also leads to various other Mental and Emotional symptoms such as irritability and Anxiety, which can leave you feeling drained, exhausted and sleeping more than usual. If you’re feeling tired after you stop smoking, allow yourself plenty of rest to help your body get through the withdrawal period. It’s O.K. and won’t last for more than a couple of Weeks.

Conversely, some people find themselves unable to sleep during Nicotine Withdrawal. That was me! I was sleeping 4-6 hours each night at most! Anxiety, cravings, headaches and other symptoms kept me up at night, causing daytime fatigue and irritability. If you have trouble sleeping after you quit smoking, you can try some of these strategies:

  • Take a warm bath before bedtime to relax and unwind
  • Reduce your caffeine intake by  half for a few weeks
  • Avoid napping during the day
  • Listen to relaxing music in bed
  • Try Meditation, Deep Breathing Exercises or Self-Hypnosis
  • Take long walks or get more exercise during the day
  • Have a cup of warm milk – it contains a sleep-inducing amino acid called tryptophan
  • Enjoy a cup of Chamomile Tea or try a special nighttime blend of relaxing herbs such as Valerian, Passionflower and Lemongrass


Nicotine affects brain wave function, and the withdrawal period is often marked by recurring dreams about smoking.   One study showed that about one-third of recent EX-smokers reported having at least one dream about smoking in the four weeks following their last cigarette.  These extremely vivid dreams often caused Quitters to feel panic and guilt because they dreamed that they had relapsed. The dreams appeared to be withdrawal-related, as they were absent while the participants were still smoking. After one year, 63% of the Quitters studied reported experiencing at least five dreams about smoking. Occasionally even some of us with more than a Year quit report a Smokemare!

These dreams about smoking are completely normal and seem to correlate with an increased likelihood of long-term abstinence. They are generally reported as more frequent and more vivid by individuals who use a nicotine patch as a smoking cessation aid.

Use these dreams to your advantage. The panic you feel as you wake up can strengthen your resolve as you remind yourself why you quit smoking. The dreams are an indication that your lungs are healing and your sense of smell is returning. Celebrate them as a Victory!

Circadian Rhythms

Research also suggests that Quitting Smoking can undo the impact of Smoking on your body’s regulation of your sleep.

A study conducted by the University of Rochester discovered that smoking generally leads to an altered circadian rhythm, the “internal body clock” system that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Scientists found that exposure to cigarette smoke creates sedentary behavior due to the decrease of a specific molecule involved in the regulation of sleep patterns. This behavior is characteristic of sleep deprivation caused by a disrupted internal clock.

The study also concluded that the effects of Nicotine on Circadian Rhythm and sleeping patterns can be reversed if the smoker abstains from Nicotine. After Quitting Smoking, try to maintain a regular sleeping schedule to re-train your body’s internal clock.


In the long term, Quitting Smoking has many beneficial effects on your Health, including better sleep! During withdrawal, you may sometimes feel tempted to start smoking again to deal with unpleasant symptoms. If that’s the case, remind yourself that these symptoms are only temporary. After you quit smoking, sleep disturbances can last for a few months, after which your sleeping patterns will have stabilized. Allow yourself plenty of time to adjust to your New Smoke-FREE Lifestyle, and remember that temporary sleep disturbances are part of the process.




Zzzzzzzz's is a wonderful thing, stick with your quits because sleep will get back on track soon enough .


lm 32 days in and this confirms everything i am going through and at this point for me things are definitly getting better. one day at a time . 


lm 32 days in and this confirms everything i am going through and at this point for me things are definitly getting better. one day at a time . 


Nice blog. My sleep is getting better! I use the sleep hypnosis apps on my Kindle, I really think it helps me!


I get sleep when Hoggie allows it.

He wakes me up and then goes to sleep next to me after he knows I can't go back to sleep.

He's a cruel slave-cats-ter.!


I have one of those cruel cats-ters myself. The dog took control of the back yard, so the cat frequently gets me up in the middle of the night to go out the front door.  The one that just kills me is when he wakes me out of a sound sleep- no, not to go outside- just to see if I want to come watch him eat some food from his full dish in the dining room! So, nicotine is not the only sleep disruptor in town. But I'm still glad I don't do that anymore.

Yes at first all I did was sleep! Now I am up frequently throughout the night! Thanks for the info ...

Very insightful!!


I was a "sleep all the time quitter"! Just felt foggy and tired for ------well, can't really remember how long right now......seemed like forever but I bet it was only a month or two. This was just one of those things you go through when quitting which seem so awful but now........I cannot even remember it that well!

Still JEALOUS of that grandchild Thomas! You are the picture!


My sleep dis-rupters are the dogs! No, they can't both go out at te same time! Course not! One wakes me, I get back to sleep and an hour later the other one wakes me to go out!

When I first quit I slept all the time and then I slpet some more! It is all worked out now! Thanks Thomas, this is very good information!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!



After quitting NRTs I would frequently get really tired in the middle of the day. Sometimes I would get so tired, I would have to pull over if I was driving. Very interesting Thomas,Thanks!


Thank you for this article, I was starting to worry that suddenly something was wrong with me!



No pic!


I'm sooo tired but I'm wide awake; got about 1.5 hours last night. This is definitely the hardest part so far. Thanks for the helpful hints! 

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1