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COPD rules my life.

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Today was another visit to the hospital COPD now rules my life (5 years and still smoking). My daughter

of 35ys asked me am I ready for this (death, as she is not). Everynight is going to be the last one. Everyday the last pack ( while I choke and can't  breathe). I have been off the page for awhile coughing, choking and smoking....the addiction is difficult to break. When I look at my children and my grandchildren, it makes me wonder why would I want to put myself through this. I have now changed my date to the 2/4/2014. Its going to be a hill to climb, but so be it. I have read the blogs, and articals about the addiction. Feeling more positive about my reasons to want to change my life.

I thank you all for keep bring me back to the club and thank you for all the support I have been given so far.

chat soon Karin


If you have not yet met Thomas or seen his page, I highly recommend it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the link.


Strongly suggest the following readings:

John Ryan’s  You can read on your computer free, or for a $20 contribution they will download it to you via Adobe. Then you can print it. You'll also get a daily support email for three weeks.

Allen Carr’s “Easy Way to Quit Smoking.”  Here is a link to a free copy:

Plan for what to do instead of smoke – check out this list:

Write a list of your reasons for quitting and post it on your page, and keep with you at all times.  Write a farewell letter to sickorettes telling them why you no longer want them in your life.  Both are great to refer back to as you continue your journey.

Stay on this site as much as possible and listen to these folks on here. They have your back. And if you need to, do the readings (Carr & Quitsmokingonline) again. Yes, again. I say this from EXperience! The more we read the readings and delve into the wisdom on this site, the less room nicodemon has. Reinforcement is good - retrain the brain.

The readings are essential. Getting the proper mindset is THE key. Go look at that list of things to do. I’ll say it again- stay close to this site.  

When you need or want to, blog: a) distracts nicodemon; b) helps you help yourself; c) introduces you to new friends on this site; d) gives you a wealth of support from folks on this site; e) by the time passes from you writing and you reading the replies, any craving you may have had will likely have – passed!

When you find someone on this site whose comments resonate with you... go to their page and read some of their old blogs and the comments to those blogs.  There, you will likely find affirmation.  There are many golden nuggets on this site.

I PROMISE you it does get better. Please trust us when we tell you that. We mean it.

It is WIT (Whatever It Takes) time. Knaw on that gum. Suck a lemon.  A bath. A nap. A tall glass of water......

You CAN and WILL do this.

Not smoking deprives you of nothing.  Smoking deprives you of everything.

Cigarettes are not worth the trouble, and you are worth the effort.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

"Nicotine doesn’t relieve it, it causes it." Allen Carr

The task ahead of you is never as great as the power behind you.


Oh Karin, you're breaking my heart! I'm only two weeks in, but suffer the beginnings of COPD. I have chronic bronchitis. My daughter, 23, said she'd never give me a ride to the hospital again, it shamed me to call her at work in the throws of yet another attack and the looks of sheer panic on our childrens faces.  Two weeks in and I just got back from an incredible spring walk.  Granted I was getting away from the demons in my head because that's where the addiction lives, but I never thought I'd walk and breath clearly at the same time.

Please, put out that final cigarette once and for all.  This too serious to keep your head in the sand.  Have you read Allen Carr, The Easy Way, if not, please do, immediately! I haven't learnt how to send links yet, but I know these other wonderful people do.

Stop suffocating yourself and start living


That's great Stac, so glad you came to the rescue with your links! I keep Allen Carrs book always up on my iPad these days, it's essential and worth it!


Do you want to live and breathe or do you want to gie everything you have and are to sickerettes?

You decide!


No one can do this for you but we will all be here to support you.  We all know how hard it can seem...I quit because there was no way I could justify to myself the shortness of breath I felt all the time.  I have been smokefree for 71 days now following a near death illness that was related to COPD.  I could not continue to do this to myself and watch the looks of horror on the faces of those people who love me and who I love...please do the reading, stop giving yourself excuses, just DO IT...QUIT, now, today, not tomorrow, NOW.


We can't help you till you help yourself. I chose life!! Which do you choose???


You don't have to want to quit but you have to be willing to quit

If you are willing, you will do it.

if you fight quitting you may never be free of the desire to smoke


please listen to all this advice, take it to heart.    it is your turn to quit, you can do it.


God Bless You!

PLEASE....PLEASE stay here on the site...put them down and do not pick them up again. They really will not only kill you but take away all quality of life. As Stacie suggested...please visit Thomas' page and make him a friend. He has so many resourrces and infromation on COPD.

Keep in touch......STAY STRONG.


Welcome! Be sure to do the reading that Stac gave will really make a difference! It did for m. I smoked for 40 years and I quit!! So - I know you can too! 


I lost a friend to this distructive illness. I tried to help her as much as I could before she passed away. It really hurts love ones to watch you to continue to smoke. Would it help you to stop if you stopped for your daughter? Unfortunately often when someone is smoking and is ill they find it harder to quit but I am sure that if you looked around you could find someone who could consel and be supportive during your quit. Don't be ashamed to ask.

There are some good suggestions above so try everything you can!!! Keep coming back here and let us know how you are doing.

Oh! I wish I had a time machine! I would throw your cigarettes away and bring you as little as 5 months into the future. You can not know until you've stopped for a little bit how much better you're going to like your life and yourself until you've lived it. Listen, everyday will be easier. Every challenge will be easier. You're going to feel better physically and your confidence will grow a little everyday. Come here as much as you can. Keep reading and writing. Take the plunge, We will help you stay afloat until you don't need us to.

Oh and Karin, one more thing our friend, COPD does not rule your life, the cigarettes do...

Couldn't stop thinking about you last night, hope we hear from you soon.




Thank you all for your posts. Yes COPD does not rule my life I do. It all became so clear to me that there are people out ther like yourselves that care. I was so touched and motivated by your post, as I know we are all walking the same path. I have read the Allen Carr's book and have gone onto Thomas's page which I will return to in a while. I am good to go for tomorrow (feeling very supported) . Thank you all again xxx