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From having been told this am I "did it wrong" a few years back, to feeling like s**t----------I can say, for me, at this point in time------this SUCKS.

Sorry all you folks that are so jovial, for today it SUCKS. No cigarettes  yet--------but it does suck.


It's not always easy but it does get easier...the more time you have in recovery, the less difficult it will be.  Remember good days and bad days and difficult times happened when you were smoking too, you just tried to stuff those feelings into cigarettes and now you are feeling them.  Cigarettes cannot do anything for you, just TO my blog about my last doc's appointment.  I can honestly tell you that I have NO craves any more...NONE. I never felt that quitting was easy but I did feel and I STILL feel that it can be done.  Do the reading, try some of the distractions, there is no reason for you to smoke.


You are right - the beginning really, really sucks but believe me it does get better - you just have to give it the time that it takes to get there.


here's one for you


say this out loud

"Tomorrows going to be better" REPEAT IT


If you won't do that instead of talking yoursef backwards,

i can't help you.



Yes - the early days of a quit suck.  It sucked for most of us.  The key is to just get through these beginning days however you can.  It does make it easier if you distract yourself.  Play a computer game, do a crossword, knit or crochet (if you can). take slow, deep breaths.  If you are really angry - go pound or yell into a pillow until you are spent.

It does get easier -  I promise!  Hang in there!



The other time was the other time. THIS IS THE TIME, do what Dale suggested, because it's true, self talk will make or break you. You believe what you hear yourself say.

We all went through this stage where the jovial, well wishers almost got on our nerves. But the elders here know what they're talking about.


Sorry  I was taking a nap when you messaged me. .  I stayed up late last night with ongoing issues  blogging, reading , breathing, talking to my self so that I would not smoke. Today is a new and it can be the same for you.  Just take one moment at a time just at the very moment.,  Just breathe if that is all you can do .  Breathe like you are having pains with delivering a baby because you are. A BABY QUIT<  It has to be delivered.  It is painful but you are stronger than you think and you can do this.  JUST BREATHE


I love it that you said it, quitting does suck.  But cancer sucks Way more, and so does COPD and chronic bronchitis....they suck suck suck.  Go ahead and say things out loud.  But quitting sucks because that is All the we did for years and years----suck on those cancer sticks like there was no tomorrow.  If you don't work hard on your quit, there really could be no tomorrow.  It is so worth it to be free.  In the first couple of weeks, I crawled in bed any chance I could get.  I never smoked in my bedroom or in bed.  And I was weary from the fight.  So even if that isn't something you would do, make a big deal of it like in an movie and announce "I am taking to my bed".  Read, daydream, play with a shoe string.  But don't smoke.  please????


No doubt withdrawal sucks but after you get through it (2-3 days) quitting can be invigorating. Think of it as an adventure. Like any good adventure story there are ups and there are downs. The main thing is to LIVE to tell your story.

I wish you peace and tranquility. It's yours for the taking if you follow one simple rule just for today: Not One Puff


I agree with Terri. During the first days of my quit, I slept ALOT.  I felt safe in my bedroom because I had never smoked there, so I would get less craves there.  Also, my body was healing and being tired was a part of that healing, I believe.  We all were where you are.  You can't smoke when you're sleeping and when you wake up, you will have even more non-smoking time under your belt. 


Each minute you get through is another minute you don't have to do over. We are jovial because we perservered... kept the committment to ourselves. Did we have sucky days at the beginning?? OH YES YOU BET WE DID! Keep going and don't look back.

Plus... lugging around an oxygen tank or having COPD or lung cancer sucks worse.


It sure sucks big time but oh the rewards of being a non smoker far out weigh the sucky days, you will soon feel the results of your hard work,


I think this is day three for you am I right ?  Day three was tuff for me , and a few others here the nicotine is leaving your system and well try it's best to lure you back . Don't give in , tomorrow well be better . 

It's ok to let off steam , we would all rather you did that here to us then smoke , we honesty do understand. We do . We just don't want you to talk yourself into thinking you can't quit or that it's better to smoke. . Keep your focus on the healthy lifestyle you want for yourself . Quiting smoking is a gift . Not a punishment.


One day at a time, one get the idea....11 DOF here


The first few weeks are difficult.......but doable. Don't ever doubt that you can do this....we all did and we are NO different from you.

Stay Strong


As Sootie said - it is doable! It will NOT kill you! I still remember those first days.....I was rocking in my chair holding onto myself....just trying to hang on! But, hang on is what I did! And - let me tell you - I am so glad I did! Trust us in this - it WILL get better! Dale is right - happy talk! 


Ha ha ... yes, tell us how your really feel... as long as you don't smoke .. you got this!


Yes, you got this! The nicotine is almost out of your system! It gets way better! Remember positive self talk works. I did alot!


I still think sometimes that quitting smoking sucks I have those days but I remember the early days it sucked really bad ....but i must tell you I could never have done it without the help of the patch I was to addicted to nicotine to just do it cold turkey !

A gradual withdrawal from the nicotine was what worked for me along with educating myself , and coming here to vent , to be amazed at myself when the days began to add up, to get excited about my progress and the progress of other new Ex'ers and   to feel supported by all the Elders that gave me such great advice and encouragement !

Hang in there you Can do it ! We all want to see you succeed !