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Blues and Dispair

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Feeling s of anxioty and depression are new to me, insofar as lasting these lengths of time.       Honestly i feel like a stranger in my own body.    As if sometihing is not quite right and it is unsettling and a little frightening.   I wake to a new day, and instead of anticipating it's potential, and looking forward to it, i simply want to hide away.      I feel a sense of dread, of worry, I think that things will never be ok again,   I just don't know how to be like this.  I just don't know how to be without joy.   I just hope this is not forever.     And yea, I feel alone.  And I guess in a sense, a person has to fight these kind of battles alone....but it is just scairy, ya know?    


I don't know how far along you are in your quit, but when you quit smoking these kinds of things can happen. I fought some depression and know the feelings you are describing. I also had a bit of a bout with panic attacks and some claustophobic feelings. It was tough to go through an automated car wash for a while, or ride an elevator. I felt like I couldn't breathe. But I seem to have gotten past that now. I believe you will get past this once you get used to it. It doesn't last forever. A lot of people here have gone through the process, and have experienced things similar to what you are feeling. Stick close to the site. I think you will find that you are not alone. 


Belay your fears and worries! You are learning a new normal! Most of us reject change! The good news is that you are fighting a battle that can be won! Quitting is not the battle!That is simple! Just don't smoke! Not one puff ever! N.O.P.E!

The battle is in your head! There is nothing to fear! You have nothing to lose! You are not giving up anything! You are gaining Freedom! You are taking your life back! And, yes it does get better!! You will soon be Happier than you have been since the day you started this nasty stinking addiction!

Stay close! We are here to help you!               Tommy


It's the addiction talking to you.  Don't let it win.  Say I do not do that anymore as loud as you can.  Sing a song you love very loudly.  I know this helped me out in the beginning. Hang in there, to say it gets better is an understatement.  I would not trade my Freedom in for anything.  I was a slave to it for 37 years.  



Zendlewise,  I am feeling the same thing.  Very lonely ... depressed.  But as the craving crawls up and down my skin trying to persuade me to break down, I ask myself, will I be less depressed or less lonely just for a cigarette?  No.  In some respects, cigarettes led me to this lonely, sad place.  I won't give up.  Don't you either.


Hey my friend...

You are much better than those little monsters with their nasty smell! 

This calls for distraction. Get out of bed and off the sofa! Do something different...sing at top of our lungs, dance to loud music, go for a walk in a park, watch a movie that is a comedy,  take zumba or yoga,  ride a bike, try living.  Life is so worth it.

You can do this. 

Do one thing that makes you happy, without interference from the little monsters. Treat yourself well, you can move past this funk!



Thanks, guys.  at the risk of sounding like a whiney little brat, I crave this kind of re-assurance right now.  the majority say it gets better and better, and so I will adhere to the voice of experience, even in my moments of weakness.   I vow to give this a good chance at the very least.   Realistically, I know it is going to take time and effort.....I smoked nasty things for such a lng long time.  the turnabout is not going to be instantanius, shout and scream as I might.   The depression and anxiety are very real, but I know the path to get back to joy is not smking again.  I so very much want it all and am resigned to put in the work for it.   thankyou all for your words of encouragement.  It helps more than you know


I am only just 42 days into this, but I do know that it is worth. Please be strong and remember not one puff.  The depression will pass and the cravings will decrease. People here are proof that others can quit.  It might not be easy, but to be smoke free is is empowering!!  Fight thru the doubts...fight thru the urges... fight thru the isolation, you are not alone.  Take some long deep breaths, and this too will pass. C'mon, you can do it!


Bookmark your days here!

In the first 2 months of a quit I'd be suprised if you felt great.


You don't sound like a whiney sound like a person who is working through an addiction.  This is some serious stuff.  We are here to give you all the reassurance that you need.  Blog as much as you feel is necessary...we are all here to help each other to get and stay cig free FOREVER.  During the very early days of my quit, I slept alot.  The  concentration and commitment to not smoke was exhausting.  So I did what my body told me to do-rest and rejuvenate.  You should do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel better(except smoking).  I'm at 109 days of freedom.  I smoked as long as you did. Soooo, if I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!  Stay close.   CP


Such good advise above. I can't add to it except to say that in some ways you have lost a constant "companion" and it will take some time to adjust to your new (and improved) normal.


You can do this! Another thing you can do to get through a crave blow some bubbles! Fun and also helps you to breath the right way!

Terrie  69  DOF


All of us who have been successful have been where you are.  The best thing you can do is listen to your body.  If you feel like staying with the covers over your head for a day and you can, do it!  Your body is working extra hard in the background to heal some of the damage done to it by smoking.  Give it what it needs.

Drink lots and lots of water to flush out the toxins.  If you can - get some exercise.  It will get you some of the dopamine you are missing, which should improve your mood.  Even a short, brisk walk will do you good!

Hang in there - I promise it does get better - and easier!



You don't know how to be without joy?  That makes it sound  like your only joy was smoking a cigarette.  And obviously that's not true.  Trust us when we say this feeling that you're going through will pass.  No, it's not fun.  But great changes require unusual self-births.  You're not gonna die due to this birth of the new you.  But you could very well die from continuing smoking.  THAT'S why you've quit, right???!!!!

You've made the right decision.  EMBRACE IT!  Eat it.  Ingest it, digest it.  It's nourishing.  It's GOOD for you.  You will be HAPPY that you did this at some point in the not too distant future.  Really! 



This gets better in time. I felt like I was going to go crazy at times but now I am better. Hang in there.   


Yeah you will get through this.  As you can see from above, I think we all went through this experience in some capacity in some form or another.  Stay the course, keep busy, stay in touch here, stay vigilant and be positive.   You are re-learning and taking back control of your life (despite it feeling like the opposite right now).  This too will pass, and you will come out stronger and happier for it.  Best wishes