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Share your quitting journey

Best Thing Ever

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This morning, at 200 days of freedom, I've been thinking a lot about this whole quit smoking thing and the meaning of it.  I know people who have never been addicted to nicotine who are glad I quit but for them it is just a simple no brainer decision that it was about time I made.  These people never felt the chains to tobacco I felt, the oppressiveness of having to always know when and where I could light up next or I'd be fidgeting with fear about maybe not getting my fix of nicotine when the monster required it. That may sound like I am exagerrating to some, but many who have struggled with this addiction know that experience I am speaking of.  My never smoking friends can't relate to that addictive behavior and thinking that was central to my every day life and so, my quitting tobacco is to them a good thing but they don't realize what a momentous thing quitting is to me.  I need to say, of any decision I have ever made for myself, stopping the use of tobacco carries with it the most  life affirming, self loving recognition of my own worth as a human being and as a daughter of the Most High of all decisions in my life.   Quitting tobacco is me saying, I want to Live and I want to Live a healthy life, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy life.  It is also me saying, I believe I have the power to live free from tobacco.

So today, I want to celebrate all of us as beautiful humans who have made the conscious decision to live and to live well!!  Quitting nicotine is a big deal and a great achievement.  For those just starting out--stick with it, persevere, plan ahead for how you will respond to cravings, come to this site when you need assistance in your quit--we can lift each other up and encourage one another in this.  I celebrate each and every one of you wherever you are on this journey of Freedom from nicotine.


Wonderful post! You have a lovely writing style, and a true insight into your own addiction and recovery. Well done! And thank you for posting this.


Great blog!  Congrats on 200 days!  WOW!

Your post reminds me of the by-gone days when the Surgeon General released the report that smoking was dangerous to health.  It seemed to me that the majority opinion of those who didn't smoke was:  "why don't you just quit?"  It doesn't seem to me that anyone who wasn't hooked had ANY idea how difficult quitting was.  They kept showing us pictures of blackened lungs, with "Just Quit!" messages over and over and over ad nauseum.  And the general opinion was that we just didn't want to quit, and they didn't understand why, knowing it was  harmful.  I knew of no information available except the carrot and celery stick nonsense.

SO glad those days are over, and there was information available, products to help, and support.  All of it made a world of difference in my ability to quit.

Glad it made a difference for you, too!



Congratulations on 200 days Raissa!  Thank you for putting it all into such lovely words that make so much sense to nic addicts.  We understand how our friends can have lung disease and still smoke or emphysema and still smoke.  NO, it doesn't make any sense, but we understand their pain and guilt and shame.  We don't feel superior to or smarter than smokers, because we were able to "get to the other side", we just understand the not-understandable.  


@ReallyReal What a wonderful post.  Thanks for sharing your celebration with others who have shared this amazing achievement. No shame or guilt here - just a realization of what  addiction is.

"I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter
Dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar"

Yes, it is a big deal 



Dear @Barbscloud @biscuit9 @YoungAtHeart @AnnetteMM  A BIG Celebratory HUG to each of you--we are all doing this thing called quitting and staying quit.  Yay for freedom.  Yay for us!!


TThank you @ReallyReal for this great thought provoking and powerful post! A super duper CONGRATULATIONS on your fantastic fabulous glorious ginormous humongous stupendous splendiferous awesome wonderful quit journey YAY for 200 precious smokefree days YAY for each and every day WON YAY for giving yourself the Gift of LIFE YAY for each and every one of us for giving ourselves the Gift of LIFE! YAY for Freedom! 





Community Manager
Community Manager

Congratulations on 200 days of being smoke free! Woohoo!!!

Quiana, EX Team


A beautiful post from a beautiful ,talented quit buddy.  Thank-you for that.


Big hug to you @champsin97 , my quit buddy.


Congratulations 200 nope days dear friend @ReallyReal 


Great post & congratulations on 200 days!!


Thank you @Blueeyes58 and @indingrl .  Yay for all of us as we continue to say N.O.P.E.

About the Author
I am 59 years old and love my four dogs and two cats, all strays I couldn't turn away. I love to be outside in my yard, watching the birds or puttering around in the dirt. I am so grateful that I let go of those inner voices that kept telling me, It is too late to quit smoking, or, Why quit now? I am so looking forward to being smoke-free.