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Back from Hospital and Neurologist

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News isn't good!! White spots on the MRI show where blood vessels are not connecting. They don't have a med for that. Doctor says he definitely had a mini stroke or TIA (Trans Ischemic Attack) last week and again on Tuesday. Told him in no uncertain terms to quit smoking. The next one will PROBABLY be a STROKE!!! We are so scared but we know how to take one day at a time and live in the moment. He's in the living room talking on the phone and laughing. So good to hear!! He will not let this get him down!! He's a Marine thru and thru!!Thank you to each and every one of you for being there for me. The Monumental Master gets lost in unreality. I love it!! We both love our Higher Power!!!!

Candy aka Monumental Master      d211           7 months


Prayers continue..........could I throw a (((((((Candy)))))))),   (((((((hubby))))))) in there too?



Lots of prayers heading your way.  Please rest and take care of yourself too Candy.  I know this must be a lot to be going through but you and your husband are in this together and like you said he is one tough marine!!


Good to hear he is at home and laughing.  This may be the real quit for him.  Congrats to you on day 211!  You are one tough marine wife yourself!  Thanks for update.  Love ya!


I wish you both the best.  Will keep you both in my prayers.


Hey Candy, Glad to hear he's laughing about things.Marines are generally good people in my mind. My Dad,(a 26 year Marine,Sgt.Maj.) ,was laughing right up til the end. He never did completely quit smoking. You're pretty tough yourself. You might think about taking care of yourself as well as him. I'm gonna say a prayer for y'all, but I can't make any guarentees.;) 


Lots of prayers coming your way Candy......both you and your husband are strong make a strong team....

I'm sure it is a relief to hear him laughing on the both will continue to be in my thoughts & prayers


thinking of you both sending prayers your way!


Is he going to quit smoking?


Keeping you both in my prayers

Sounds like you are both tough and make a great team! Thank you for your family service to our country! I hope this is a blessing in disguise and it will give him the will to quit smoking and get even better health back!!!

Prayers are with you strong lady.  Make sure to take care of yourself.  And I am betting that your example is JUST what the doctor ordered.  If he is a good Marine, he knows when to follow and when to lead.

Love, Stone


Hi Candy so Glad to hear you both are actually doing more than good! 🙂 Yeah those Marines are soo cool...........Got both of you in my prayers God Bless You xoxoxoxo


Sweet Candy I'm so sorry. Will continue to pray.  Love you.  XO


Sending you lots of love and prayers


Stay strong Candy - he's going to need you more than ever!


Oh Candy, I'm so sorry for what both of you are going through. Because it touches so close to home, I feel the pain and fear even stronger. I also started out with TIA's that became increasingly worse, until I had the full stroke. I remember how frightened I was..and to be honest, still am because I know that I'm high risk for another stroke. The hospital I went to, when my TIA's started, did not run the test they should have. If they did the ultrasound, they would have found my blockage and possibly gotten me into surgery before I had the full stroke. Because of that, I'm going to ask you some questions, you don't have to respond to me, I'm just putting some questions out there that I wish I had known to ask. I'm not sure what it means when you say the blood vessels are not connecting but...

How comfortable are you with the hospital/neurologist/neurosurgeon?

Are you familiar with the neurologist or checked him out? I went online to check out the ratings of the surgeon Tricare had me set up to see and he had awful ratings, including law suits due to deaths..needless to say, I didn't go to him.

Did they take him back in a timely manner and start running test?

Did they do MRI with contrast as well?

Did they do ultrasound, especially on the carotid arteries for blockages?

What is the action plan, other than for him to stop smoking, to prevent a full stroke?

Did they put him on any type of blood thinner, even 325mg of aspirin, to help the blood move easier?


Thinking of you, as always. Hang in there and keep that upbeat vibe going, okay?


Marmac asked some really good questions.  We are all thinking of you and your husband, so hope this is a real wakeup call and he realizes that it really is serious.

Sending prayers and hugs.


wow... Sending prayers your way.  I second what Marilyn said... doing your research and get copies of the records... Keep on top of it!  (((HUGS)))


Candy - I am so sorry to be late to this...... I am sending prayers, love and hugs! I can only imagine how scary this is for both of you....... Please continue to keep us posted. Take care! 

PS - Congrats on 7 months! 



Praying for you and your Hubby!!!

And a big ((((((((((Hugg))))))))))

Love Ya Mag268d