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Share your quitting journey

An Articulate Group of Successful Quitters

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I am currently approaching the The 48th hour of living without cigarettes.

I have read many of the “quit” posts out there and remarkably they are all very well written.

I wonder if the posts are written by real people or just computer generated based on subject.

i find the whole “quit” process quite bizarre - all the comments - especially the “support” comments very StepfordWiveish! 

Would like to know if anyone shares these thoughts? By the way I have smoked for 45 years and just stopped - no aids.


My question may have been blunt.  Are you looking for support? How did you find this site? How can we help you? (Her response was blunt along with nasty, sarcastic and rude, in my opinion. Simple questions to understand the need because it did not appear to be going in that direction. Her words were demeaning to me.  Do I need to point those out to you? No EXcuse for bad behavior but even people with bad behavior need to quit smoking.  Just saying my thoughts and opinions. Not jumping on you




Ditto to what Dale said!


I was talking about dogs and cats.  I don't have any kids.  Neither does Kristen???


I go against the tide on this one as well.  I read Alan Carr's book a few years ago and found it to be a load of crap, but to each his own.  It seems to help a lot of people so I maintain my belief that if it works, great if not move on to the next thing.


That is why we take what we can use and leave the rest. I thought NML was a bunch of crap. lol


We don't always remember that WE are addicts and we're DEALING with addicts and as addicts we have issues.

Guarding against our own defensiveness should be at the forefront before responding to anyone here. Take a beat, take a breath.


I think one question was answered.  This is not  a robot site.  I wish you well on quit.


virgomama‌  Brilliant!  lol


I'm real, and I really quit!!!  You can too!  Congratulations on a great start. Be kind, it is a rocky road ahead and you can't find a better group of people who actually care about you to help keep you on the straight and narrow!  Try not to bite the hand and that feeds you:)



I myself am not a computer and have 8 days of a smoke free life. I love the support of the PEOPLE  on this site and even told my Dr. about it so she could recommend it to new quitters also. Congratulations on your quit , I have found that the hardest part is the first day and after that is not to bad but I realize everybody is different. What works for me might not work for the next person that's why it's all such a personal accomplishment. Good luck and God Bless 



I believe she said 48 hours, maybe that's why shes "cranky" lol.


And I truly appreciate your perspective on the matter, Jackie. Mine was different...............but that doesn't mean it was was just mine. May I please say I said she may have perceived your question as challenging....I did not say your question WAS challenging. And I also know that you answered her rather blunt answer with a very nice response.


Kristen said

LOL.  Been a little busy.  I don't have kids but I think they might be easier than a dog.  At least you know where babies poop and pee.  Haha

So I responded to Kristen saying I have had both---dogs and kids--and found dogs to be easier.

I've also had cats and I'd say it;s a toss up on that one. I guess cats are more self sufficient in some ways but I did not like the whole litter thing.


That’s a good thing that you stopped because smoking causes so many problems to people’s health. I’m happy you were able to quit in your own. It takes will power to stop cold turkey and I say you are strong and you can do this don’t listen to your mind when it tells you you just need one puff. Because if you take that puff it will lead you to take more. When you feel like smoking come to this site and share your feelings and I’m quite sure you will get positive feedback good luck and you made the right decision 


Wow! Maybe you are looking for reasons not-to-quit  Last checked out medically, all my body parts were non-mechanical, they were all flesh'n blood. Unless the hospital lied!!!!!

PS: maybe its articulate people who find it easier to quit. 


I was only making a comment. I am 6 days quit today - I really wanted to quit and I have. It is my intention to continue to read blogs and comments so I can learn while I am on my journey. 

I will not post comments as my humor ( a little sarcastic - really sarcastic) is not wanted.

but, back to your comment - I would never look for a reason not to quit.


One thing about sarcastic humor (in general) is that if you can give it you have to be able to take. Many a truth is told in a joke.  Just saying take what you can use and leave the rest. 


That’s fair - I agree.


Congrats on 6 days Rah rah-rah. lmho


Congrats on 6 days of freedom.  That's a major accomplishment.   I'm  sarcastic also, but sorry, I have no interest in you now.  Nothing you said was humorous..   You've wasted too much important time in supporting new quitters.  Just my "opinion".   There are others here that will take your sarcasm and support you.  In fact. because of all this crap , I'm thinking about stepping away from this site completely.



Thanks - good advice


Sorry to offend. Am just trying to make my way. 


WAY TO GO! A SUGGESTION - you may start a fresh blog - to keep moving forward - just sharing and trying to be HELPFUL - gentle hug


We've wasted, We are wasting, will we continue to waste? Will we allow this to be a reason for anyone to leave?  You would be missed.  No need to point fingers.  It does not solve anything.   67oldbabe‌ you have the option to edit this blog and restrict future comments on this blog. It is your choice.  


I have read all your blogs. Especially interested in your comments/observations re:weight gain after quitting smoking. It was your April 19th, 2019 blog - you stated that we should put ourselves in other peoples shoes - my fears and concerns about quitting smoking are real - yes I perhaps approached my first contact with the group in an inappropriate manner but that was my “lack of control” feature of my personality kicking in.

i would love to start a real conversation about “Weight Gain” and stopping smoking. I am a real work out fanatic and in 6 days have put on 2 lbs. - which is worse for your body? Excess weight or smoking? I have quit and will not return to smoking but putting on weight is a real kick in the butt especially after working so hard to quit smoking.


Go for it - start a NEW blog what you gotta do and not take one puff over YOU


This is a big topic here.  Lots of different experiences, but here's mine:  I'm a small person, but very fit.  Have worked out regularly since 1974 and weighed 130-134 that entire time.  Within 2 months of quitting, I had put on 26 pounds!!!  I totally agreed with most people here who advised to concentrate on quitting cigarettes first, even if you substitute bad eating habits.  But 26 pounds on a 130 pound person started to really bug me.  When I had 7 full months into my quit, I felt comfortable enough in my quit to start working on my diet again.  I did both Weight Watchers and My Fitness Pal.  I also went back to my trainer to change up my routine from "maintenance" exercises to "weight loss" work outs.  I have to say neither my diet change or workout routine change were very dramatic, and I was able to lose all of the gain in 2 1/2 months.  The worst part of all this was the money I wasted on pants.  I threw out all my size 30 pants to buy size 32's.  Only to throw all of them out to buy 30's again.


Since smoking does increase your metabolism, it is noted that you will need to eat 200 calories LESS to maintain your weight after you quit.  This, though, will gradually level out when you have been quit for a bit.

If you eat a healthy diet - maybe do 6 smaller meals consisting of a fruit/vegetable and a protein (like even some almonds and a piece of fruit)- that will help to keep your blood sugar level and even help a bit with the cravings.  You might also increase your amount of exercise to make up for any unhealthy choices of snacks you might allow yourself (this is NOT about being 100% healthy ALL the time!!). 

Remember, too, that nobody ever died from a few extra pounds - the same cannot be said about smoking.

You will have more time, energy and money in your pocket when your quit is well in hand to address any weight gain --- so don't be worrying about it too much!



Love this - very helpful advice. I hope I can concentrate on both issues - no smokes and no gain - I will try. Thanks for the advice and the laugh (pants)


Thanks Nancy - am confident - just another mountain to climb. Sometimes the whole thing is exhausting.


Glad you did not leave the's the best place for support on quitting.......I promise.


I agree


Most of us gained weight when we do tend to eat more....the hand to mouth part of smoking. But it's really not hard to lose the weight again once the first weeks of the quit are over. I too am small like Tom and always was thin. When I quit, I did gain weight and could "feel it" in my clothes and in my movement ( I gained about 10 pounds and it was like lugging a ten pound weight around). But I lost many quits because I saw that weight going on. This site helped me not to go back to smoking  just because of the weight gain. I made it through....I will be 10 years quit this November .....and I am back to my pre-quit weight. AND BONUS......I work out with weights now which I never did while smoking and I am much more toned. I also walk/run every day.


My answer/opinion to your question "which is worse...excess weight or smoking"......would be smoking...absolutely. Unless a person is morbidly obese, excess weight cannot compete with the damage smoking does to your body.


I agree - of course.


I saved this from that someone shared with me when I was concerned about my weight gain:

"An average ex-smoker would have to gain approximately 75 pounds to put a strain on his heart equal to the extra risk associated with smoking a pack a day. Even then, the extra weight would not cause the lung destruction, cancer risk and many other conditions caused by smoking."


Please dont leave! I have seen alot  of your posts and I know they have really helped me on my quit and I truly believe that you have helped many others. Dont let one person's nastiness take away all the good you have to share. I personally would like to take this moment to thank you and a few others for helping me be 8 days smoke free. 



Laughing Dale real medicine is good for MY soul



Glad you got plenty of responses on how to maintain your weight.   I'm still exercising, etc.,  but since being diagnosed with the thyroid condition I've only lost like 3 lbs.  The only positive is that at least I quit gaining.   


Interesting article about every nutrient in almost every food we eat has fallen 10 - 100 %

Broccoli Is Dying. Corn Is Toxic. Long Live Microbiomes! - Scientific American Blog Network 


Well, THAT was certainly depressing.  I not only was wrong about a healthy diet helping to protect me from the bad effects of smoking - but reading this tells me I probably wasn't eating a healthy diet, EITHER!

I guess this is why organic foods actually ARE better ----- but, then again, not if they are grown in the same soil that was used for conventional farming before...........

We are DOOMED, I tell you - DOOMED!


At least it will not be death by smoking - rather death by eating!


Obviously, I'm still here..   Thank you for your kind words.  They are greatly appreciated.   Keep that quit going.



Thanks!!! This was a very "challenging" conversation.

On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 10:18 AM Giulia <>


So true!   Dish out what you are willing to take!


I thought so too!  Challenging conversations are the most interesting, I find.


Really glad to hear of your 'quit'.

Sarcasm and humour are strange bed-fellows. Hey nothing wrong with a bit of both

So long as we are not perceived as rude.


Nobody looking to be rude. Everyone who took offense did so in the first couple of days of me posting. Have already apologized to Ex Community. As I have said before I am now strictly a reader - the blogs and life experiences are getting me through - nine days today.

i am not worthy of commenting on other people’s struggles. Am never going to be an elder or wise sage.

i have a different outlook on challenges and deal with them in my own way - do not hope to share. 

Please do not comment on my response - have already been accused of sucking up too much air time - Air time that should be spent on helping