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Share your quitting journey

Almost a year

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Well it has been almost a year (November 6) that I have quit smoking and still going pretty good. Can't say I don't want a cigarette to this day but I try to overcome the urge. Can't say that I saw the money I saved but I guess you really aren't suppose to I don't know. At any rate I am still having in there and hope I can continue for another year.


Good for you, you are so close to a major milestone as they say here the 6 % club which is super fantastic. 



Wow good for you ~ Please drop by the group" 4th quarter quitters 2014" and say Hi.  We are a small group of people that will hit the 1 year mark in the last quarter of 2014.

We are all so proud and thankful for this glorious journey that we have been on and indeed need to celebrate it!!




353 DOF




Please take the word "try" out of your vocabulary.  You aren't "trying" to do this; you ARE doing this - and doing a good job of it, too.  As long as you continue to "try," I see a permission to fail route being kept free and clear.....please don't give yourself one!

You really aren't trying - you and DOING and can continue to as long as you choose breath over smoking.  Congratulations on almost a whole year!



can I ask you a question?

did your quit involve dwelling on the fact you couldn't smoke?

Have you been struggling to quit or were you willing?

See there are two ways to look at quitting. You can resent it or you can embrace it.

If you still think about smoking but on a rare occasion, you might want to consider the second way.


Congratulations to you! That 1 year mark is closing in quick and must be celebrated!

I'm sorry that you didn't get to see the money you saved 😞 That was, still is, one of my biggest motivators! I'm a visual person so I started out by putting my normal "cigarette money" in a jar so I could watch it grow with every day I didn't smoke. After a few months, I decided to put the money in savings so I could use it for something special. Even if that something special turned out to be an unexpected bill, I would know that I was using money that wouldn't be available if I hadn't quit smoking. I also downloaded "Quit Keeper" so all I have to do is take a glance to know how much I've saved. As of today, Quit Keeper tells me that I have saved $2,886.71. That amount is lower that the actual amount saved! I have not adjusted the calculations to keep up with current prices per pack, which I know have increased. And I based my calculations on 1 pack per day. There were many times I smoked more than 1 pack per day so again, $2,886.71 is lower than actual amount saved. Now, multiply the number of cigarettes you smoked per day by the average price you paid per pack and really look at the money you have saved. Pat yourself on the back and realize YOU saved that much money, regardless of how it ended up being spent. Sort of like winning a lottery and not having to pay gift taxes on it 🙂

As far as the urges go, I'm right at 15 months and still have the occasional urge. Sometimes I think it's because I haven't allowed my frog brain to completely let go of the habit or memories. Other times, I think it's simply because quits don't come in "One-Size Fits All" and each person has different time spans for the urges to go away. My spouse couldn't/doesn't understand why I had problems quitting or why I still have urges. According to him, it was prior to our meeting, he smoked 3-4 packs a day, decided on an trip that his lungs were bothering him, tossed his cigs when he got off the plane and never smoked or had another urge again! Well good for him (as I call him a few bad names under my breath) but that's not how it went for me! The only thing I do know for sure...the urges/memories come less and less and they are not as intense as they once were. One thing I do matter what, I will not give in! I will honor the commitment I made to myself!


I will, as I told my husband, start my money saved piggy bank just as soon as I'm not spending it on nrt's. My husband is still smoking so it is only fair. Nrt's are only 1/2 as much as cigs and we actually are seeing a difference in our bank account, but we are eating out a little more and with holidays coming up I believe I will be off nrt's in Jan. and every paycheck, I will pay myself first $200/mo.-lots of shoes!




That's $2,400/Year!


Good for you! It should be your reward money to use as you please. I'm going to Key West with my $2,886.71 and since my husband doesn't smoke, I invited him to come along 🙂 I've already bought the round trip tickets and made hotel reservations.

And to think, I saved up enough money to go on this dream vacation simply by giving up a nasty habit.

duhhhhh, let me think about this a moment....would I rather be laying on a beach, in December, with temps in the low 80's or would I rather be smoking a stinking cigarette that gives me wrinkles, yellow teeth, COPD & Cancer?

Key West....Here I come!


Congrats on almost a year!  I have 87 days, and the money I've saved so far has gone to unexpected bills.  But I was able to get some needed dental work and to take my dog to the vet because I have quit.  And that was important to me. 


Like a week away from one year that is AWESOME !  Congrats !


Congratulations on 51 weeks!!! You'll be at one year SO SOON!!!


Thank all of you for your comments. I guess I should have also put the money back so I could see it grow but when you live pay check to pay check every little bit is needed. I am really excited about the one year mark. I just can't believe it has been a whole year already. I do want to keep it up because I have the urge now and then but I really don't miss having to go outside when I am with my family or on an outing and have a cigarette. They like it too. Again thanks for all these wonderful comments. I reall appreciate them and to know that someone else is excited like I am at the one year mark. Family and friends that don't smoke I guess just don't realize what an accomplishment that is and the rest just don't pay much attention.