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73 days....why then.....

0 13 44

Am I suddenly starting to crumble and feel edgy and thinking about smokes again??? Ugh! I have been so busy with my new volunteer job and work and life in suddenly I am feeling, bills, wishing hubby was done with school so I can have him back lol. Seems like I am getting more and more tense and frustrated. I just went and looked at my quit meter and it seemed like I was just here a few weeks 50....and bamm 23 days passed by! So why after this long am I feeling urges! ???


There you are long time no see hang in there NML has its speed bumps just got to keep going 


Some of my most difficult days was when I was about where you are now.  It is only temporary and will improve greatly in a short time.  Do not buckle under the stress.  Focus on the goal ahead and you will get through this.


Take it day by day, breathe deep, get up and do something busy.  Anything.  Get through a couple more days and you'll probably find it passes on.  It's part of the cycle.


You're in N Mans Land. More good days than bad but you need to seriously wtch for unexpected craves the next 60 days or so.


Just went down that road.... hang in there.. some bumps in the road usually when you are not looking. 


You can get past this....we're all pulling for you, and look deep down inside and you'll see you are pulling for yourself and that's the most important thing!

You don't want to give up your 73 days for freedom for one of those nasty things!!

Stay strong & keep the faith.

Meme (3/24/14:)


Thanks ya'll....guess I have to go back to back up plans from the beginning of my quit. Sleep, sleep and more sleep. 


I still have those moments too.  Just can't imagine throwing away this many days for a moment.  Never hurts to go back to the beginning and remember why you quit in the first place.  Remember how much you hated everything about it.  You would hate it even more now.  Hang in there. 


This will pass -remember that smoking won't help your stress. It takes time but it will get better. You are doing great -one day at a time-on to the triple digit club!


So glad to see you again! I was just thinking about you!! You and I are so close in days and it does come like a lightening bolt out of no where!  I just remember day 7 because day 1 was spent under the was HELL and I just keep thinking do I want to go through that again? NO! And not just NO, HELL NO!!

You've got this Janetlynn!! You have come so far to go back to Day One! And remember what Giulia says, Day Won, not Day One! I have faith in you! Just keep doin' what your doin' cuz your doin' it well my friend!! HUGS to you, you will get through this! 🙂


Oh and let me add this!! HUGE congratulations on 73 days!! 🙂


Whoa whoa whoa there - where ya been?  Have you been reading on here?  73 days and you have cravings?  Well ... yeah!    Money, stress, husband, bills... all those things make us fragile emotionallly. And when we're fragile emotionally - guess who's gonna poke his ugly head right back into our faces.... Mr. Crave Man, Mr. NICO.  He KNOWS when to put out his reminders of himself.  He's a demon, after all. 

So what you do is...turn aside from those thoughts that pull you toward him.  Accept that they're gonna come during the first year.  Sometimes they're really strong (during times of duress), sometimes just a passing itch. 

73 days is GREAT, but it's also still pretty new in the quit journey.  Not as new as 10 days, or 3 weeks.  But relatively speaking you've a pretty young quit.  So don't be discouraged by a sudden batch of cravings that come upon you.  They will pass.  And each batch you get through will teach you more about how to deal with future ones.  The most important thing is to not dwell in smoking thoughts.  Push them aside the moment they come in and focus on something (anything) else.  Repeat after us:  Not One Puff Ever. 


Remember your list of other things to do.

here's the link............

Also, do not dwell.  If a thought comes kick it to the curb ASAP.  It's when we give that thought time in the head that gets us in trouble.  Make it "pass through" you.  I say this with love and with lots of practice and it takes practice to get this down but you will.

NML - keep that guard up sweetie.  Big time.  You GOT this and you CAN and WILL do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh- PS - during NML I found myself doing the readings again (Carr and, and my fave -  I tell ya, it helped.  Reinforcement is always a good thing!