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Share your quitting journey

700 Days!! What happened???

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As a lot of you know, I came to this quit kicking, and screaming, because my ability to smoke was under attack by my insurance company, and confiscatory government taxes, that discriminate against one demographic. Smokers! I still recognize the hypocrisy of a government that refuses to make tobacco illegal, but never fails to add a tax on it when they get the chance. But I digress!

What happened? On the eighth day of my quit I saw a TV commercial for this site! I came here, and joined, expecting to find a bunch of people with nothing better to do than tell me how to run my life! What I found was much different! I found a group of very caring people who just ignored my rants, and tried to keep me focused on quitting! After about a month, I gave up on starting a fight, and recognized the environment I was in! I discovered what I later termed “Collateral Kindness”! Helping yourself by helping others! What a way to quit! What a way to live! What has happened since then is a story all its own! Here are some of the things that have happened.

I have met people here who share and care about people that they will never meet!  People who give to others, with no expectation of those people ever giving anything back!

I have found friends here that will indeed be friends for life! This in spite of the fact that I may never actually meet them! I have even met a person that could very well be the best friend that I have ever had.

I have witnessed courage in the face of overwhelming odds! I have seen people like Kellie, and JoJo who are battling for their lives, but find the time to try to save the rest of us from the fate that has befallen them!

I have witnessed faith! Look no farther that my good friend Dawn. The string of bad things that have come to her, one after another, is impossible for me to wrap my mind around! But every day she faces life with complete faith in God! There are so many others here who are guided by unshakable faith. They provide a sparkling example for the rest of us!

On, or about day 85 of my quit, I felt the pangs of a malfunctioning heart. For about a week afterward, I sat around waiting to die, and not really caring if I did. Then I met a Lady that encouraged me to quit sitting around feeling sorry for myself. She motivated me to get off my backside and go find a job! She convinced me that my life was worth living! Her name is Sheri, and I will always be grateful to her!

I have met great Wordsmiths here. They craft compelling stories to make this journey both doable, and understandable! We have fantastic Cheerleaders here who will always be there for those who are down! There are First Responders that welcome the new members to the community!

Most of all I have seen a community come together as a family, and work diligently for the common good. We have our disagreements, like all families. But in the end we are all here to support each other, and welcome the new members of the community. The Veterans, the Midrange Quitters, those that are in No-Man’s-Land, and those who are still new here! We all come together and contribute what we can! So, in the words of Indin Girl and so many others, “Take what you need and leave the rest”!  

So, Thank You my Friends, for being my Friends, and helping me reach 700 Days of FREEDOM! This is a great community. There can be no better place to live!                                      Tommy




Totally Awesome, Congratulations for your determination-strength and resolve.
Thank you for sharing...!!!


Hooray for 700 days.  You have contributed so much to the rest of us that it is impossible to calculate.  Thanks for being here!


Congratulations on 700 days!!  You have been such a help to us it is hard to believe you started out so negative.


Wonderful blog Tommy. Congrats on the 700


You are special to so many on here....including me!   Congratulations not only on your 700 days but most of all not leaving the site and continuing to pay it forward!  Hope you have an awesome peace filled day!  Breathe Free


Tommy... 700 days of freedom

You are such an inspiration to us all and I am so glad that you continue coming here to provide us with a guide light.  Thank!


WOW congratulations!!!!!!!You really have helped me soo much. You are an amazing person....Thank You Tommy...


congrats on 700 days!!!!!!!  and there is many more to come


Big congraats on 700 days, AWESOME!!!!!!!  Enjoy your day!


Thumbs up to you my good man. Congratulations on an exemplary job. Well done.


So glad to have you here Tommy! Congrats on 7OO DAYS!!!..xoxo ❤️


What a love letter.  700 Days and what happened?  YOU happened.  You happened to see that commercial and the butterfly went into effect on here  Every beating of your support wings touched another who touched another.  And The Tommy Effect will go on forever.  And ain't we lucky!


CONGRATULATIONS! Thank You for being so supportive of all of us and most of all, Thanks for the Freedom Train! 7X100!!!! And each additional 100 gets BETTER and BETTER!!! This Community wouldn't be the same without YOU!


Tommy, congratulations to you my friend for 700 days!!!!  Wonderful blog!. Some of my favorite people are the people on this site...and YOU are one of them!! Love ya!


Congratulations Tommy!  Thanks you for your great support and help with the EX Community.  You are a real life saver.  Love your blogs. Take care and have a great weekend!


Tommy - Congrats again on 700 days!!! Thanks for all you do here!!!


Very nice post! 

Congratulations on 700 days!

I can only imagine!



NoThank you!!! You are a HUGE part of this community, we are all in this together no matter how long or short our quits. Life is short :)) Dont smoke it up!!


Congratulations! Now you are to us newbies as the others were to you! Thanks to you! You are our inspiration!!! xoxo


Congratulations on 700 days!  Thank you for being there for me and so many others! xoxo


You're such a huge part of why this place works!!!!!  Congratulations on your 700 days of FREEDOM!!!  ❤️  


I can't believe I got here late and missed your 700th day!!! It is1:20 AM and now it is your 701st day....BE THAT AS IT MAY......................congratulations. And may I say I am so glad that you decided to quit smoking and found this site so that we could be friends!


Congrats on your 700 days, i dont say much on here anymore but i  always find the time to come back and read. I love your blogs.


I'm sorry I missed your 700 day mark, Tommy!  THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO! 



congratulations on 700 days smoke free!

(sorry i wasnt here sooner, i pretty much slept through your day)  Just know that i love you.... and i miss you.  You are a forever friend......and a bestie!!


Awwww..Congrats Tommy!!!!!!Not one puff no matter what!Moe


Congradulations on day 700. I am in awe of everyone here too. I've always wanted to belong to something great and you said it this is something great. I wish and I pray to make it through this first week. And your love letter to this community is inspirational. You keep up all of your hard earned efforts and remember N.O.P.E. b/c you are worth it.


Beautiful blog just like the person who wrote it! Congratulations on 700 smoke-free days.  You fullfilled your calling.  You are a gift that was sent to this site, Thanks for all you do and for being my firend.


Hi Tommy, congratulations on this great milestone and thank you for all you do!




3 cheers to you!  Reading your post gave me the courage for day 1 in my journey!  Thanks!  And job well done!  The "kicking and screaming" comment hit HOME!  Man was I cranky more peace!  This newbie thanks YOU!