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300 Days of Freedom

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There was a time when I couldn’t imagine not smoking.  Twice, I’d given up smoking for Lent. I was successful because I knew at the end of Lent I was going to resume smoking.  The thought of going the rest of my life without smoking was overwhelming. I not only wondered if I could do it but I also wondered if I wanted to do it.  I agonized for years. I was torn between the “desire” to smoke and feeling like “a bad little girl” every time I took a puff.  I made attempts to stop over the years and when I only went a couple days without smoking I faulted myself. I thought it was a character defect. I had no knowledge about nicotine addiction.

Last April, I broke down crying during a visit to the clinic. The nurse practitioner listened as I cried about wanting to stop smoking and not being able to. She recommended using anti-depressants. I took the prescription but I had no idea how taking an anti-depressant helps with smoking cessation and I didn't ask.  I started taking the medication. I had no idea how it was supposed to help. Would I lose the desire to smoke? Would cigarettes begin to taste awful or rather worse and I'd no longer want to smoke? I searched the internet for articles on anti-depressants and smoking cessation.  Lo and behold, I found the Mayo clinic quit program and the online BecomeAnEx website.  The rest as they say is history.

It's been 300 days since my last smoke. Last night, I was hanging out near my last residence and I was flooded with memories. I thought about the fact that I was smoking "back then." Today, I woke up triggered and very emotional. I know why I’m triggered and I know it’ll pass. It's not clear what I'm feeling but I've been crying on and off.  I believe part of it is realizing that I’ve made it longer without a smoke then I ever imagined I could and I'm overwhelmed. 


Two days ago, I was going through my bookcase and found some loose pages from my diary. I believe in synchronicity so I decided to share them. In 2010, I learned about Allen Carr’s book.


Well the book “The Easy Way To Stop Smoking” arrived today. It’ll be interesting to see what happens. Before I start reading it, I want to jot down what I’ve “learned” about {what I experience whenever I've tried to stop} smoking to see if any of it is verified or debunked by the book.

  • The first 3 days are difficult. {I always experience} A rush of emotional pain {that} begins to surface.
  • I don’t really enjoy the taste of a cigarette. I usually want something sweet to drink while smoking. Alcohol is the preferred drink – seeing that alcohol is high in sugar.
  • Cigarettes don’t really calm my nerves – it just masks the emotion that I’m feeling. It helps to “numb” the pain.
  • It’s about the emotions that I’m trying to avoid.


It’s 9:30am & I once again find myself in the battle again. The battle with smoking.


That I’ll never defeat the nicotine addiction.

That I’ll ____________________________.

Just do it! Just do it! Just do it!

It’s time to live in the now.

It’s time to take one day at a time.

It’s time to let go of the past.

It’s time to make resistance a partner.

It’s time. It’s time. It’s time.

Deal with the what-ifs when they’re the “are(s)” & not before.

Take each moment one at a time.

All there is is now, not then & not when but now.

It’s time.

Love and Light

TurboRose aka Michele 300 DOF

About the Author
My relationship with Nic O. Tine began when I was a kid. Occasionally, my dad would have me light his cigarette (Philip Morris.) By age10, I was sneaking butts and once I took a whole cigarette. It was also when my dad’s mom was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Dad didn’t feel he had the right to caution my brothers and I against smoking. It was my mom who told us not to smoke. She became very critical of smokers and smoking. Shortly, after my grandmother’s death, I witnessed a moment that stuck with me: My mom and dad were standing in the bathroom. Dad was throwing his cigarettes in the toilet vowing to quit. My dad smoked until he died. In high school, a couple of my friends smoked and I would bum smokes from them. I didn’t want to consider myself a “smoker” because of my mom’s harsh opinions. I figured as long as I didn’t purchase a pack, I wasn’t a smoker. I didn’t purchase my first pack of smokes until I was a junior in college. Smoking wound up being a weapon I used to feel bad about myself. I knew it was bad for my health. I felt a tremendous amount of guilt, ashamed and like a bad little girl for disobeying my mom. It was overwhelming. Over the years, I found myself reenacting the scene I witnessed as a young girl. On a Sunday evening (always Sunday,) I’d stand in front of the toilet throwing away my smokes vowing to quit. Though I acknowledged my smoking, I never smoked in front of my parents nor any of my mom’s family. I smoked around other smokers or around people I didn’t know and didn’t care whether or not they judged me. Professionally, I’m an IT person. I did applications development, systems design, technical support and customer service. I’ve worked in the fast food, manufacturing, software and travel industries. I have also worked as a substitute teacher, hotel front desk clerk and travel agent. Currently, I work part-time as a bookkeeper for a local farmer (commodities and equestrian.) Personally, I am single, no children. I’m the youngest of 3. During my early childhood, I lived in a combined family situation. At one point, I was the youngest of 13. I am a sexual abuse survivor. I’m a 3rd generation Intuitive/Medium and I'm an empath. I enjoy photography, traveling and being creative. I have 2 cottage industry projects I’m building; Home Decor/Apparel and Intuitive/Medium (not Psychic) readings. I have the sweetest rescued Yorkshire Terrier, Tabasco.