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3 weeks smoke free!

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I am now 3 weeks smoke free!  The year long period smoke free has made this time much easier but I have fallen back into the same trap of being sedentary and shiftless that I did before.  Actually I never got out of that inactivity trap despite the 3 months I went back to smoking.  It is like I am in competition for being the most laziest and useless human being on earth.  Need something to break this inactivity cycle as I have heard it said that being so sedentary is as bad a smoking for one’s health.

I have not had any serious cravings but rather a feeling that something is missing, an emptiness.

Was reading stats on mothers who smoke during pregnancy, which mine did.  Sad to think that I and other babies were going through nicotine withdrawal in addition to the trauma of being born.

Wondering the connection between those who smoke/smoked and those whose mothers smoked during pregnancy.

Very encouraging to read of those here are here who have quit smoking for years as well as those who courageously are just beginning their journey.

About the Author
Smoked for FIFTY years most recently about 1 1/2 packs a day. Cigarettes controlled every aspect of The Who, what, when, where, how, why and if of my life literally. Have made several serious attempts to quit but none lasted at the most more than a few months. This time will be different so help me God... please!