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Share your quitting journey

27 hours - thank you!

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I’ve made it to 27 hours and I feel great. I’ve had three showers, went to Starbucks and did some work there (and treated myself to a muffin), made a healthy lunch and dinner, walked to yoga and back (so altogether 3 hours of exercise), sucked on four nicotine lozenges, listened to classical music, meditated for 10 minutes, and last but not least, I read a ton of blogs and comments on my first blog on this site. Now I am drinking a detox tea and can’t wait to climb into bed! And it’s only just past 8pm here!

I really want to thank everyone for your support today. I tend to be afraid to ask for help and support, and I’ve never tried to quit like this before. I’ve tried to quit cold-turkey, and alone. That just didn’t work. This approach, on the other hand, makes me feel really confident and excited. Thanks again. I’ll definitely be blogging again tomorrow!


Day WON!!!! xo


Great!!! Congratulations!!!  


WTG! Congratulations!

Terrie  29  DOF


CONGRATULATIONS, you have shown that you can do this.  I am so glad that you found the site and that it's helping you!  Helped me from day one too.


Congratulations and keep up the great work!


Those are 27 hours that you don't want to redo - keep it up


You're in PARIS?  Does EVERYONE there still smoke?  Hope not!

You've gotten through Day One.  Now, on to Day Two - the first 2-3 weeks are the most uncomfortable and then it gets easier.  Just quit one day at a time in the beginning - or sometimes a minute/an hour at a time.  Just get through the early days.  The freedom is SO worth the effort!



Congratulations on quitting smoking and winning Day One.  Give it time you will be grateful that you did it.  Not smoking is more wonderful than you can ever imagine.  It is truly life changing!  I am on my way to yoga.  It helped in my quit and it helps my lungs.  I love it.  Take care!


Congratulations on quitting smoking and winning Day One.  Give it time you will be grateful that you did it.  Not smoking is more wonderful than you can ever imagine.  It is truly life changing!  I am on my way to yoga.  It helped in my quit and it helps my lungs.  I love it.  Take care!


You are doing this!   Last time I was in Paris it was getting difficult to smoke... cannot imagine how much a pack costs there now. 


How lovely to think of you in Paris!  You're off to a great start, and the best thing you can do is stay close -- let us know how you're feeling, what you're thinking about smoking/not smoking.  I've been here since the very first day I quit (216 days ago) and while I'm mostly over the craves and urges, I still come every day to see how everyone's doing, ask for help when I need it and generally be part of this awesome community.  Isn't it great that this community can encompass several continents!!


You are doing this quit one, one day at a time or if need be one minute or even one second at a time, you are doing great with your quit, keep it up because you are stronger than you realize. 



It is exciting isn't it ! i am glad you are here on Ex ! i have 177 days of freedom and i attribute my sucess to all the wonderful  people here ! i love this site ! It sounds like you have a very good quit plan Amanda ( My grand daughters name is Amanda ! )

Congrats on your first day quit !  Remember this acronym N.O.P.E. Not one puff ever ! That has helped me so much since day 1 !