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20 hours

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It has been 20 hours and there is nothing more I want to do then go get a pack of smokes. It is disgusting that this has such control over me. I got a gym membership and bought a bike in preperation for quiting but of course the day I quit, it rains in Chicago so can't go biking plus the storms knocked the power at the gym. Can't win. I am hurting but trying. Just sitting here thinking about smoking.


Welll don't do it.  Just don't do it and get outside of yourself and allow yourself to search everything you own for a cigarette.  It will pass and then you can laugh at having been so desperate.

That's what I did anyway and I still occassionally look (after 7 days) and realize it is a symptom of 'missing' something important and that it will diminish over time...jjust like the loss of a loved one diminishes over time.


Hello I am out of chicago to with 12 hours in and have taking up coffee I know I am a newby on here to but try to replace it with something else go for a walk ride your bike let theair hit you the rain might feel nice take some deep breaths try changing your routine I had to change everything I am use to doing in the morning that realy helps We are all here for the same thing and if you need a friend I am here


Dont do it. Im about 13 hrs into my quit as well. Proud that I did not stop on the way home from picking up my son from school. This is my .not sure how many attempts to quit, but Im going to beat it, and so can you. If you need a freind im here as well.




Hang in does get better......


Every hour gets just a little easier.  The first time I quit I was your age and really wish I stuck with it.  10 years later, here I am!  The thing that helps me is looking around at all of the people who don't smoke and wondering how many are ex's!  You can do this, DEEP BREATHS!


Stay with us, Doc. Push through the feelings and they will get weaker and weaker the more you resist them. It's just like facing down a bully - all bark and no bite. There is no other way but to keep going through it. It gets easier - I promise. 😃


Focus on something else - you can do this!


I'm just outside of Chi-town in the burbs...raining today but tomorrow will be beautiful.  I am going to ride my bike to the gym after work.  Working out is a great way to get the endorphines.  They really help.  Hang in is rough but you can doiung it.  One day at a time.  Remember....there is no 1 cig.  If you smoke 1 you then accept going back to smoking like you used to do.  1=10,000 always wanting more.

I'm gonna be in the city tomorrow, down on Division...I will protect my quit at all costs..I will not smoke.  Better than that..I will go out and have a great time and not smoke. I can have a good time without smoking.  I do not need to smoke to enjoy myself.  Protect your quit.