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Share your quitting journey

2 months ago today . . .

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johnnyp - Free and Healing for One Month, Twenty Five Days, 7 Hours and 57 Minutes

extending my life expectancy 3 Days and 21 Hours

avoiding the use of 1127cigarettes

would have cost me $338.77.

February 17th, Ash Wednesday, 8 weeks ago, in days that's like 57 days, so it doesn't line up perfectly, but so what, right??? Kinda feels good to talk about my quit in "months", lol, very cool.

Been a little rough lately, not sure why, but we forge forward. I know it takes 90 days to really relearn a habit and to retrain your brain, and I'm 2/3 of the way there, so maybe it's like a "seven year itch" kinda thing, who knows. It's more of that "longing vs craving" thing we talked about a while back.

It could be that I'm just getting a little restless because I'm sitll out of work (did you guys know I was unemployed? don't remember now) BUT the weather is getting nicer, so I can be outside more and more and that, I think, will certainly help.

So, that's me, hope everyone else is doing well. Welcome to our "newbies"!! I'm on the site daily, checking in, I just pulled back on blogging a bit. I'm talking to people directly more and more now. Feel free, please, to IM me if you're on AOL or AIM, I'd love to hear from you. To my "old friends", thank you so much as usual, you all have so much to do with my success, I owe you all a lot. God bless you. To our new family members, you have to fit Ex into your routine somehow, real frequent contact is very important. To those of you who haven't been at it that long and are reporting good days, AWESOME!! That is so cool, BUT beware, cravings, longings, and compulsions sneak up unexpectedly and they can be strong, so be ready!! Not trying to scare you at all, but I'm looking back over the last 2 months and am looking at things that I think are very valuable to share. You made the first and most important step, by commiting, then by starting your quit. Stick to it, one day at a time. "I'm not going to smoke today."

That's it for now friends. God bless and have a GREAT smoke free day!!!

peace & prayers,
