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I am sick

I have been sick on and off for 2 months and watching my COPD. I had called the DR. quite a few times.

Last, Tuesday I woke up coughing and couldn't catch my breath, long story, short I had to take an ambulance in from the FD and they wouldn't let me grab anything. ER diagnosed me with influenza and said COPD had nothing to do with it. They prescribed Tamiflu. hmmm!

So the lady at the desk ordered a cab with the promise I'd pay when I got home. I fell asleep waiting on the cab and someone woke me and I chased it and fell, full out, road rash on face and just all over and broken glasses, and the cabbie was mad I didn't have money on me. I didn't get any better!

Yesterday, I managed to get an appointment with Pulmo. and a ride to it! Pneumonia, bronchitis, 4 prescriptions which by the grace of God and some helpful individuals, I got it and started taking it yesterday. I am also back on oxygen as needed 89% or below, I can usually bring that up with pursed lip breathing! I feel a bit better, still pretty sick!

I want to thank elvanThomas3.20.2010‌ and the COPD‌ group for all of the great information, so I knew to keep bugging them!

Thank you too, to those that have been checking on me and praying for me!  ~Terrie  112 days free~

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57 Replies

Oh Terrie, I am SO SORRY.  I told you that Tamiflu is a big Pharma ripoff...just my opinion but I have never seen it work.  I was afraid you were really getting sick.  How awful that you had to go through so much to get what you needed.  PLEASE rest, drink lots and lots of fluids, use the oxygen, and GET BETTER!




I just commented on the same post...I THINK.  I hope you feel better soon and PLEASE drink tons of liquids and use the oxygen and the prescriptions.  Hope your road rash is healing.




What an ordeal!  Thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon! xoxoxo



sending prayers up that you feel better soon Terrie!  


TerrieQuit‌ I'm sending you a ginormous, humongous, loving, caring but most of all gentle cyber hug along with good thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery my friend and fellow Exer and a huge congratulations on your splendiforous 112 precious smoke free days and counting WTG.


What's better than a RX and oxygen?

A squirrel  and a flower to bring you wishes to feel better soon!

Thinking of you!


I've felt since my diagnosis for COPD that the average doctor doesn't really understand the illness very well, and when they don't understand us, getting the treatment that we need can be really hard! WE know much of what we need because we live with the illness and over time we figure out how to deal with it on a day to day basis.

 When I was diagnosed, it was after an ER visit because my oxygen levels had dropped to the high seventies. Because of the low oxygen levels, they prescribed immediate supplemental oxygen and wouldn't let me leave the hospital until a portable bottle was delivered. They also gave me IV steroids and a prescription for antibiotics, since it all started with a cold.

 I was lucky that this ER staff took my symptoms very seriously and that there was a respiratory therapist there that night who administered Albuterol through a nebulizer. So glad you were able to see the pulmanologist right away! At least they do know what we need!

Hang in there!! Be sure to use as much oxygen as you need. No reason to go below 90%. Hope you feel better soon!



Terri, so very sorry that you are so sick and all that happened!!  I would like you to know that I too am wishing you better days and to get better as fast as you can!!  Only good thoughts go to good people.  People like you don't deserve this!!



elvan Yes, I posted it here in the COPD group but for some reason, it posted in blogs, too??? sorry about that. I always wonder why people post in 2 different places, hmmm, maybe not on purpose! Still learning!  ~Terrie~

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